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Create and Customize User role

WP Adminify’s RoleMaster Suite allows you to manage and customize WordPress user roles with ease. You can create new roles, modify existing ones, and adjust capabilities based on your site's needs.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to Create and Customize a User Role using the RoleMaster Suite:

1. Activate the RoleMaster Suite Addon

Before customizing or creating roles, you need to activate the RoleMaster Suite addon:

  • Go to the WP Adminify dashboard in the WordPress admin menu (left-hand panel).
  • Navigate to the Addons page.
  • Find the RoleMaster Suite addon. Download and activate it.

Once activated, you will see a new option in the WP Adminify dashboard called User Role Editor.

2. Access the User Role Editor

  • In the WP Adminify menu, click on User Role Editor to open the RoleMaster Suite. This will take you to a tab where you can manage roles and capabilities.

3. Create a New Role

To create a new user role:

  • Click on the “Add Role” button at the top of the screen.
  • Provide a Display Role name and Role name (ID) will be generated for the new role.

You can also choose to either:

  • Clone an existing role (e.g., Subscriber, Editor, etc.), or
  • Start with a completely blank role and manually assign permissions.

Example: If you want to create a "Content Manager" role, you could start by cloning the "Editor" role, then customize it further by allowing or restricting additional capabilities.

4. Customize Role Capabilities

Once the role is created, you can customize the capabilities for Editing, Deletion, Reading, Media, Comments, and more:

Select the role you want to customize from the dropdown list (e.g., "Subscriber", "Editor", or your newly created role).

Enable or Disable Capabilities:

  • In the main area, you’ll see sections like Editing, Deletion, Media, etc.
  • Check or uncheck the boxes to grant or restrict permissions (e.g., Editing, Publishing, or Editing Private Posts for Posts/Pages as shown in the provided image).

You can choose to:

  • Select All capabilities.
  • Deny All capabilities.
  • Grant Only certain permissions based on user roles.

5. Add or Delete Capabilities

If the default capabilities don’t suit your needs, you can also:

  • Add Capability: Add a new permission to the role using the “Add Capability” button.
  • Delete Capability: Remove unwanted capabilities with the “Delete Capability” button.

Example: If you want your "Content Manager" to manage custom post types, add the corresponding capability.

6. Rename or Delete a Role

  • If needed, you can Rename an existing role by clicking on the “Rename Role” button.
  • To remove a role entirely, use the Delete Role button.

Note: Be cautious when deleting roles, as this cannot be undone.

7. Level-Based User Role Capability Customization

WP Adminify’s RoleMaster Suite also allows for level-based user role capability customization, which provides granular control over what users can do based on their permission levels. Levels range from 0 to 10, with level_10 having the highest permissions (typically site administrators) and level_0 having the least.

Here are the available levels and additional capabilities you can assign:

Available Levels and Customization Options

  • manage_links: Allows the user to manage links in WordPress (for example, editing or adding links in the blogroll).
  • level_10: Highest-level permission, typically reserved for Administrators. Users with this level have full control over the site, including access to all admin pages.
  • level_9: Typically used for high-level Editors. Users can perform all content-related tasks but have slightly fewer admin privileges compared to level_10.
  • level_8: Used for Editors with more restricted administrative capabilities. Often given access to manage content but limited in making site-wide changes.
  • level_7: A slightly lower editor role, usually focusing on content creation and editing, with restricted access to administrative settings.
  • level_6: This level often allows advanced Contributor permissions, focusing primarily on content management but with no major administrative privileges.
  • level_5: A restricted role, commonly used for advanced contributors who can edit their own posts but have minimal site privileges.
  • level_4: A step down from level_5, focusing mainly on writing and editing, without content approval rights.
  • level_3: Mid-level role for Contributors who can write and manage their own content but cannot publish.
  • level_2: Basic Contributor role, allowing users to submit drafts for review without publishing rights.
  • level_1: Minimal user role, often used for subscribers or contributors with very limited access to content and admin pages.
  • level_0: Subscriber-level access, the lowest level. Users can log in but have no editorial capabilities.
  • view_all_adminify_activity_logs: Grants the user the ability to view all activity logs generated by WP Adminify, which can be useful for audit purposes.

How to Customize Level-Based Capabilities

Select the Role: In the User Role Editor, choose the user role you want to customize from the dropdown (e.g., Subscriber, Editor, or your custom role).

Assign Levels:

  • Look for the Additional section in the available permissions categories.
  • Enable the desired permission by checking the corresponding boxes (e.g., assign level_10 to administrators or level_0 for subscribers).

Granular Control:

Use this level system to delegate responsibilities. For example, assign level_5 to content managers who need editing capabilities but restrict level_10 to admins only.

Additional Capabilities:

Assign additional custom permissions such as the view_all_adminify_activity_logs capability to users who need to monitor site activities without accessing the full admin panel.

8. Save Changes

After making all your customizations: Click the Save Changes button located at the top right to apply the new settings.

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Updated on October 21, 2024

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