Stay up-to-date with all the latest enhancements, fixes, and new features we’ve rolled out since the beginning.
Our changelog is your go-to resource for tracking the continuous improvements of WP Adminify. Dive in to see how we constantly evolve to enhance your WordPress experience!
v4.0.2.6 - 4-12-2024
- Fixed: Added support for external domain as child site.
v4.0.2.4 - 26-11-2024
- Fixed: Fuctionalities to dismiss module conflict notice in admin panel.
- Fixed: Fuctionalities to dismiss plugin update info notice.
- Fixed: Solved admin menu not expanding in mobile version issue.
v4.0.2.3 - 25-11-2024
- Updated: Plugin Row Links "Upgrade Now" for Pro version removed.
- Updated: Added support for "Smash Balloon Social Photo Feed – Easy Social Feeds Plugin" setup page to redirect and authorization.
- Updated: Added support for "Rank Math SEO – AI SEO Tools to Dominate SEO Rankings" setup page to redirect and authorization.
- Updated: Added support for "Site Kit by Google – Analytics, Search Console, AdSense, Speed" setup page to redirect and authorization.
v4.0.2.2 - 21-11-2024
- Added: Support for Squirrly SEO plugin's post metabox active link color overwrite issue.
- Added: Support for Hotel Booking Lite plugin's calender table height issue.
- Added: Support for eventon plugin's event type color picker.
- Fixed: Hide admin notice breaking layout for non admin users dashboard issue.
- Fixed: Unable to install and activate Addon plugins from adminify plugins setting page issue.
- Fixed: Adminify plugin support link is not redirecting issue.
v4.0.2.1 - 17-11-2024
- Updated: Compatibility with AdminBar Editor issue fixed. Thanks to @manojmadushantha, Support URL:
- Updated: Freemius Library updated to latest verison
- Fixed: Admin bar "New" button and admin bar items hide for rule issue fixed
- Fixed: WP Adminify white label plugin not working for both adminify and adminify pro plugin issue fixed. Thanks to @jordannabubarcom, Support URL:
- Fixed: multisite network admin settings page style
- Fixed: post duplicator creats only one duplicate now
- Updated: posttype order and taxonomy order ui updated
- Fixed: admin page not showing issue fixed
- Fixed: WP Adminify Pro version activation death page error issue fixed. Thanks to @takeofujii, Support URL:
v4.0.2.0 - 10-10-2024
- Update: Plugin Information popup issue fixed
v4.0.1.9 - 10-10-2024
- Fixed: Remove Dashicons for logged in users issue fixed
- Fixed: White Label WordPres Pro settings warning issue fixed
v4.0.1.8 - 10-10-2024
- Updated: Hidden for User Roles for Admin Bar Editor issue updated
v4.0.1.7 - 09-10-2024
- Added: Taxonomy Duplicator Added
- Added: "URL Path" Custom Admin Columns for Post Types added on "Productivity>Custom Admin Columns"
- Fixed: Typo fixed on Security, Productity Section
- Fixed: Admin Columns > "Comment ID" not working
- Fixed: Admin Columns > "Taxonomy ID" not working
- Update: Freemius Library Updated
- Fixed: WooCommerce "Add Product" and "Edit Product" frame issue
- Updated: Admin Favicon not working issue updated
- Added: Taxonomy Clone Option added for Categories, Taxonomies etc
- Fixed: Performance Options not working issue fixed
- Fixed: Frontend Gutenberg script issue fixed
- Fixed: Security Bugs for SVG upload files issue fixed
- Updated: Edit Post, Page, Product on Gutenberg and other page builders
- Removed: Admin bar top preloader removed
- Updated: Admin Footer "WP Memory Limit" updated
v4.0.1.6 - 15-09-2024
- Updated: Admin Footer Text warning issue fixed
- Fixed: Menu Editor separator warning issue fixed
- Fixed: Hidden for Roles not working issue fixed
- Removed: Custom Icon for Submenu not allowed by WordPress issue fixed
- Fixed: Icon Picker not working on "Admin Pages" fixed
- Fixed: Rounded Menu Line-Height issue fixed
- Fixed: Add Separtor not working bug fixed
- Updated: User Info Color not working updated
- Updated: Text Logo with Mini Mode Logo overlap updated
- Updated: Admin Pages Supports - Elementor, Beaver, Divi & Brizy Builder
v4.0.1.5 - 11-09-2024
- Fixed: Schedule Dark Mode warning issue fixed
- Fixed: Account URL issue from Plugins page fixed
- Updated: String Typo on several places fixed
- Updated: Add Separator for Free and Pro issue fixed
v4.0.1.4 - 02-09-2024
- Added: Dashboard Welcome Widget added
- Added: 'Reset Section' option added for option settings
- Update: Duplicate WP Adminify Menu issue fixed
- Fixed: 12 pre-defined scripts for Frontend Custom CSS and JS issue fixed
- Fixed: Menu Editor blank menu show issue fixed
- Fixed: Horizontal Menu issue fixed
v4.0.1.3 - 01-09-2024
- Updated: Setup wizard Updated
- Updated: Addons activate button text update
- Fixed: Disable Comments Post Types issue fixed
- Fixed: Admin bar hide manu issue fixed
- Fixed: Woo Commerce all page right side extra gap fixed
- Fixed: Edit Post, Page & Customize page fullscreen issue fixed
- Fixed: Unnecessary pre-loader issue fixed
- Fixed: Brizy, Elementor, Beaver Builder, SiteOrigin Page Builder, Visual Composer, Bricks & Oxygen Builder Full Screen issue fixed
v4.0.1.2 - 26-08-2024
- Fixed: Coupon Code not working issue fixed
v4.0.1.1 - 25-08-2024
- Updated: Admin Pages Menu issue fixed
v4.0.1 - 24-08-2024
- Updated: Database Migration issue fixed
- Updated: Image issue fixed
v4.0 - 24-08-2024
- Added: Screen & Help Tab removal options added
- Added: Bricks Builder Support for Admin Pages
- Added: Remove Howdy Message Show/Hide Option
- Added: Added "Menu Width" option on "Menu Settings"
- Added: Added "Favicon" for Admin Area
- Removed: Removed Duplicate "Comments Form URL" field
- Added: Disable Gutenberg for Block Editor and Remove Frontend Scripts
- Added: jQury Migrate script removal option for back-end
- Added: Username Changer added on Security
- Added: Limit Login added on Security
- Updated: Removed "Remove All Feeds" and "Redirect ALL Feeds" and combined into switcher
- Removed: Removed Deprecated option "Remove "X-Pingback:..." from headers from Security Option
- Removed: Removed Deprecated option "< link rel='index" from headers" from Security Option
- Removed: Removed option "'Remove WLW Manifest Link i.e "< link rel='wlwmanifest'... from head section"
- Removed: Remove DNS Prefetch. Remove <link rel="dns-prefetch" href=""> from head section
- Removed: Remove Deprecated option "< link rel='prev'..." and "
- Added: "Disable Embeds" option added on "Performance>Disable Embeds"
- Updated: "Remove All Feed Links" and "Redirect ALL Feeds" option merged "Security>Feed Links"
- Removed: Remove Deprecated option "Remove all WP JSON API links and scripts from head section"
- Removed: Remove Deprecated option "Remove "Link:<...>; rel=" from server response HTTP headers"
- Removed: Remove Deprecated option "Remove Comments for Media attachment Template" from Disable Comments"
- Update: Merged "Comments Content disable auto linking, display comments links as plain text" and "Replace Comment Links to JavaScript?"
- Update: Merged "Remove Link from comment 'Author Name'" and "Replace Author Links to JavaScript?"
- Updated: 'Enable Last Modified date for Posts, add before content' style updated
- Removed: Remove Deprecated option for 'Remove Default Image Link'
- Removed: Remove Deprecated option for 'Redirect Attachments page to parent post URL'
- Removed: Remove Deprecated option for 'Disable PDF Thumbnails Preview'
- Removed: Remove Deprecated option for 'Remove "Try Gutenberg" Panel'
- Added: New Option "Media Library infinite Scroll"
- Removed: Icon Libraries removed - Icon Moon, Themify Icons, Elementor Icons, Pe Icon 7 Stroke
v3.2.4.4 - 20-05-2024
- Updated: Horizontal Menu hide on Gutenberg Editor, Style issues fixed
- Updated: RTL Accordion & Toggle Menu style issue fixed
- Updated: Admin Pages - User roles display issue fixed
- Updated: Google Fonts - Body Font not working issue fixed
- Added: Mini Mode Icon option added
- Fixed: Admin Columns not hide on WordPress Default UI issue fixed
- Fixed: Login Customizer - RTL Login Form not working issue fixed
- Fixed: Amelia Booking - Admin Menu not working issue fixed
- Fixed: Media - Default UI Media Tabs focus issue fixed
- Fixed: Media - Default UI Media Select Checkbox style issue fixed
v3.2.4.3 - 17-04-2024
- Updated: Dark Mode Icon on frontend display issue fixed
- Updated: Optimized script loading on Customizer, Login, Register page
- Fixed: Admin Bar Frontend padding issue fixed
- Fixed: 404 page on Setup Wizard fixed
- Fixed: Footer Credit url bug fixed
- Fixed: Account Tab showing on footer fixed
- Fixed: "New” button in admin bar style is not working
- Fixed: Gutenberg Block Editor style issues update - side panel paragraph style, dismiss notice icon color
- Fixed: Gutenberg Block Editor FullScreen Mode Admin bar and Main menu issue fixed, Editor Tools Insert Icon issue fixed.
- Fixed: Dashboard Welcome Widgets not showing issue fixed
- Fixed: Admin Pages not showing on Menu issue fixed
- Fixed: Squirrly SEO plugin Meta fields not showing issue fixed
- Fixed: Advanced Database Cleaner Pro style issue fixed
- Fixed: Login Customizer - Video, Slideshow not working issue fixed
- Fixed: Login Customizer - Preview Section click style issue fixed
v3.2.4 - 25-03-2024
- Added: AI based Dark Mode functionality added, improved huge performance
- Added: Added Switcher Icon for "Dark/Light/System" option
- Fixed: Conflict with beaver builder issue fixed
- Update: User Roles not working issue fixed on Menu Editor
- Update: Disabled Admin UI by default
- Update: Admin UI Style Updated
- Update: Navigation Tabs applied, all tabs are on now under Account Menu
- Update: Network Admin Plugins Lists UI update
- Removed: Better optimized font styles for default WP Style
- Removed: Removed default font "Nunito Sans" and extra conditons for fonts apply
- Removed: Body fonts not working for Default WordPress UI issue fixed
- Updated: "Logo Options" renamed with "Dark/Light Mode" on WP Adminify settings
- Updated: Bottom Admin Bar Menu dropdown style not working issue fixed
- Updated: Search Option on Admin Bar hidden by default
- Updated: Search Option not showing on Admin bar issue fixed
v3.2.3 - 12-03-2024
- Updated: Horizontal Menu code bug fixed
- Updated: Menu Editor - User Roles functionality updated
- Updated: Menu Editor - User Roles for Sub Menu not working issue fixed
- Updated: Menu Editor - Top Level Custom Menu not showing issue fixed
- Updated: Menu Editor - User Roles for Custom Menu and Custom Sub Menu not working issue fixed
v3.2.2 - 21-01-2024
- Fixed: Menu Duplicator not working issue fixed
- Updated: Options Data Types issues updates
- Updated: Upgrade Notice Updated
- Fixed: Menu Editor User Roles not working issue fixed
v3.2.1 - 24-12-2023
- Fixed: Conflict with "Admin Menu Editor" plugin issue fixed
- Fixed: "Reset All" button color issue fixed
- Fixed: All Buttons BG Color issue fixed
- Fixed: WooCommerce Product Gallery "Delete" button hover cross button issue fixed
- Fixed: Login Customizer - Register, Lost Password background color issue fixed
- Fixed: Forminator plugin menu icon color issue fixed
- Fixed: Forminator plugin admin UI broken issue fixed
- Fixed: All Plugins page checkbox hover background issue fixed
- Fixed: Plugin Details Thickbox style issue fixed
- Fixed: Admin URL not redirecting issue fixed
- Added: WordPress Logo on Gutenberg Post/Page Editor change options added on "Logo Options > Gutenberg Logo". Thanks to @peopleinside, Support URL:
- Added: User Login and Logout Redirection based on Username, User Roles & User Capabilities
- v3.2.0 - 26-11-2023
- Supported: Enfold Theme support given for Avia Page Builder
- Updated: Slow Admin issue improved
- Fixed: "Back to Website" not hide issue fixed
v3.1.9 - 11-11-2023
- Updated: Admin bar Removed from Block Editor Page
- Updated: SQuirrly SEO meta tags not showing on Admin Bar issue fixed
v3.1.8 - 07-11-2023
- Fixed: Security issue fixed
- Fixed: Login Customizer - Back to Website link not working issue fixed
- Fixed: SQuirrly SEO - Navigation error issue fixed
- Updated: Support Forum URL Updated
- Updated: Notification system updated
- Updated: Dashboard Widgets supports for WP Forms
- Updated: Dashboard Welcome Widgets close button not working issue fixed
- Updated: Dashboard Welcome Widgets - Kadence Theme supports given
- Updated: Completely revamped Dashboard Welcome Widget
- Updated: Added Panel Height option for Dashbaord Welcome Widget
v3.1.7 - 28-10-2023
- Fixed: Gravity Forms broken style updated
- Fixed: Gravity Forms not working with Admin Notices issue fixed
- Updated: Admin Columns Checkbox switcher style updated
- Updated: Admin Columns Select2 Search field updated
- Updated: WooCommerce Product page long scroll issue fixed
v3.1.6 - 07-08-2023
- Fixed: Security issues Updated
- Updated: Network admin support given for Memory Usage Dashboard widget
- Added: Rafflepress plugin support given
v3.1.5 - 18-07-2023
- Fixed: Menu Editor - Export/Import menu editor settings updated.
- Fixed: WP Adminify Options Export and Import issue fixed
- Fixed: Conflicting with "Sassy Social Share" plugin issue fixed
- Fixed; Contact Form 7 Dark Mode color issue fixed. Key Switch Editor, Text Backgrounds, Checkbox color issues fixed
- Fixed: Elementor Role manager dark mode text color issue fixed
- Fixed: Yoast SEO, Yoast Duplicator style issues fixed on Dark Mode
- Support: "Dokan – Best WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace Solution – Build Your Own Amazon, eBay, Etsy" plugin support given for Admin columns
- Updated: For Network Admin - unnecessary Admin menu showing issue fixed
v3.1.4 - 06-07-2023
- Updated: Updated Freemius SDK to the latest version
- Updated: SVG Menu Icon color issue fixed
- Fixed: Network sites "New" button text color issue fixed
v3.1.3 - 02-06-2023
- Fixed: Topbar Comment icon counter css issue fixed
- Updated: Freemius Library Updated to latest version
- Updated: WooCommerce Button Text Shadow removed
- Updated: Plugin Details Modal popup Close Button Text Shadow removed
- Updated: Welcome Dashboard Close button color issue fixed
- Updated: Posts/Page Button, input Search background color issue fixed
- Updated: All Input Button fields background color and Text color issue fixed
- Updated: Danger Button Background Color and Hover Background Color issue fixed
- Updated: WooCommerce - homepage dark mode issue fixed
- Updated: WooCommerce - dropdown menu color issue fixed
- Updated: WooCommerce - notice, button color issue fixed
- Updated: WooCommerce - Button, Contents Text Shadow removed
- Updated: Option Settings > Customization Dark Mode Text Colors issue fixed
- Updated: WooCommerce - Analytics Dark Mode style issue fixed
- Updated: WooCommerce - Marketing Dark Mode style issue fixed
- Updated: Server Info - undefined method shell_exec() not found issue fixed
- Undefined array key "hidden_for" in MenuEditor.php issue fixed
v3.1.2 - 23-03-2023
- Fixed: Call to undefined method Freemius_Api_WordPress::RemoteRequest() PHP fatal error issue fixed
- Fixed: Custom CSS active sub menu color and menu background color not working issue fixed
v3.1.1 - 13-03-2023
- Fixed: User restriction issue fixed for Multisite.
- Fixed: wp_localize_script object name conflict issue fixed on error-log.js
- Fixed: WP Memory Usage dashboard widget 'failed to read' issue fixed
- Fixed: "Phlox WordPress Theme" & "Stackable – Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks" plugins support for hidden adminbar issue fixed
- Fixed: Freemius SDK updated
- Fixed: Freemius color issues fixed both on light and dark mode wp
- Fixed: All in One WP Migration plugin conflict with Sub Menu hover background issue fixed
- Fixed: WP Beta 6.2 welcome widget display fixed
- Fixed: Logo text in dark/light mode issue fixed
v3.1.0 - 04-01-2023
- Fixed: Dashboard left menu hover color issue fixed in dark mode
- Fixed: Dashboard dismiss notice icon padding issue fixed
- Fixed: Network site broken html and style issue fixed with free version
- Fixed: Admin bar search menu icon position issue related to dark mode is fixed
- Fixed: Admin bar Menu freezing issue fixed that's created by profile settings.
- Fixed: Dashboard body font selection not working issue fixed
- Fixed: Rounded vertical menu color & bg color issue fixed
- Fixed: Dark mode color picker issue fixed
- Fixed: Adminify logo alignment issue fixed
- Fixed: Adminbar & Menu Settings default options value saving to DB issue is fixed.
- Fixed: Default welcome Widget link color issue fixed for v6.1.
- Fixed: Dashboard menu hover color issue fixed in Dark mode.
- Fixed: Woocommerce menu hide after scroll issue fixed
- New: Sticky option added to AdminBar settings.
v3.0.9 - 22-12-2022
- Fixed: Admin Area Custom CSS and JS "shell_exec" warning issued fixed
- Fixed: Login Customizer Custom CSS and JS saving issue fixed
- Fixed: Menu editor custom icon upload issue fixed and phpcbf ran
- Fixed: fixed Block Editor Background color palete button transparent issue
- Fixed: admin footer text displaying issue fixed
- Fixed: php warning fixed from dismis_notic
- Fixed: removed tags from code editor and upgrade feature added
- Fixed: upgrade functionality added for LoginCustomizer
- Fixed: updraftplus modal input field style conflict issue fixed
- Fixed: folder responsive issue fixed
- Fixed: Typo fixed of a settings under Schedule Dark Mode
- Fixed: User role based admin page display issue fixed
- Fixed: Welcome Widget by Elementor broken issue fixed
- Update: fixed php 8.1 compatibility issue
v3.0.8 - 25-11-2022
- Fixed: Security bug fixed
- Fixed: Login Customizer CSS & JS not saving issue fixed
- Fixed: Freemius SDK updated
- Fixed: Simple Line Icons not loading issue fixed
- Fixed: Undefined index "hidden_for" error issue fixed on Menu Editor
v3.0.7 - 19-11-2022
- Fixed: Admin Area Custom CSS and JS error issue fixed
- Fixed: Converter for Media plugin (REST API disable) issue fixed
v3.0.6 - 13-11-2022
- Fixed: Login Background not changing issue fixed
v3.0.5 - 31-10-2022
- Added: Duplicate Post controler options for post types not working issue fixed
- Added: Github Source Code added on readme
- Fixed: Security issues has been fixed
v3.0.4 - 26-10-2022
- Fixed: Menu Editor 'render_menu_editor_header()' error issue fixed
v3.0.3 - 17-10-2022
- Fixed: Folders Drag and drop issue fixed
- Fixed: Missing Multisite styles for Network settings issue fixed
- Fixed: Folders URL Sorting issue fixed
- Fixed: Multi select items folders item moving issue fixed
- Added: Copy/Move items on folders
- Fixed: Dashboard Menu click issue fixed
- Fixed: Comments empty content & JS link click issue
- Fixed: str_contains(…) replaced by strpos(…), to provide support for older version
- Fixed: check if wp version greater than or equal to 5.9 to detect block theme
- Fixed: Added Unminified version for all Minified Styles/Scripts
v3.0.2 - 19-09-2022
- Data Upgrader function working issue
v3.0.1 - 19-09-2022
- New: Menu separator added on "Menu Editor"
- Fixed: Dashboard widget "Server Uptime" error issue fixed
- Fixed: Admin Bar displaying broken menu items issue fixed
- Fixed: Off Canvas Menu Show/Hide option added on Admin Bar Settings
- Fixed: WooCommerce Admin bar not loading issue fixed
- Fixed: Button Color control from settings issue fixed
- Fixed: Search Bar on Admin Bar position issue fixed
- Fixed: Comet Cache Plugin top secondary menu issue fixed
- Fixed: Customizer php warning issue fixed for block theme
- Fixed: Added "Disable Register?" for hiding Register Option for Login Customizer. Now register and lost password show/hide can be controlled from individually.
v3.0.0 - 23-07-2022
- New: Advanced Custom Fields, Pods, Metabox, Function & Shortcodes supports added on Admin Columns
- New: Added settings for "Frontend Admin Bar" to disable based on user roles
- New: UpdraftPlus Backup/Restore plugin dark mode supported
- New: "Menu Editor" - Drag & Drop Custom Icon uploader added.
- Fixed: Newtork Admin Sites Text visibility issue
- Fixed: Woocommerce admin bar style issue fixed
- Fixed: Dashboard parent menu active style (rounded) style issue
- Fixed: Screen options radio checkbox checked color issue fixed on dark mode
- Fixed: Media library single item button padding isue
- Fixed: Background color for “change folder name” active item & rename text field background color issue fixed on dark mode
- Fixed: Customize Panel Site Identy input field border style issue fixed
- Fixed: Active Parent Menu rounded style conflict with 'wishlist-member-x' plugin
- Fixed: Added white label settings for post/page thumbnail column to use custom image
- Fixed: Made changeable 'adminify' clone text by menu label from White Label
- Fixed: Dashboard widget video iframe overflow issue
- Fixed: Adminify setup wizerd undefined index issue fixed
- Fixed: ThirdParty Compatibility - One Click Demo Import page button style issue fixed
- Fixed: Dashboard Menu all icons color same
- Fixed: Font Awesome Icon applied to whole admin area, prebviously it won't work except framework page
- Fixed: Menu settings menu mode variatons issue fixed
- Fixed: ProductX plugin switcher style issue fixed
- Fixed: Gutenberg header settings button issue fixed
- Fixed: GravityForms Header style issue fixed with scrollto Top
- Fixed: UpdraftPlus Menu link - active, issue fixed
- Fixed: All button same color issue fixed on editors page
- Fixed: Remove Welcome Panel not working issue fixed
- Fixed: Elementor Template and lightbox popup style issue resolved on Dashboard widget
v2.0.9.1 - 08-06-2022
- Fixed: If Quick Menu Module disabled Admin Bar not loading issue fixed
v2.0.9 - 08-06-2022
- New: New feature "Redirect URLs" added
- New: Javascript Code support for Custom Dashboard Widget
- New: Elementor Template/Section/Widget selector added to the dashboard widget
- New: Logo Text typography/color settings added
- Fixed: "New" Button and it's Dropdown style not working
- Fixed: Free/Pro "WP Adminify" Menu lebel issue fixed via white lebel
- Fixed: "Betterlinks" plugin's Menu and Submenu not changing from MenuEditor
- Fixed: Menu Label & Remove Action Links not working in White label
- Fixed: SEOPress Plugin ugly Icon issue fixed
- Fixed: Gutenberg Editor Save button is hidden below Admin bar
- Fixed: Horizontal Menu not working
- Fixed: Adminify Pro RTL issue - Off Canvas menu overlap issue fixed
- Fixed: Disabling Adminify UI hide the dashboard widget title
- Fixed: Plugin List Tabs Color bug
- Fixed: "Advanced TinyMCE Editor" Plugin conflict issue fixed
- Fixed: Admin Pages not working by user roles
- Fixed: Horizontal Menu Folders overlaps issue fixed
- Fixed: No option to select a Page for welcome widget
- Fixed: Adminify dashboard quick links (docs, video, facebook & support ) responsive issue fixed
- Fixed: "WP Adminify Pro" text not renaming on White Label & Admin Bar Text
- Fixed: Enabling Adminify dashboard welcome widget, occurs a blank welcome widget area
- Fixed: Custom Dashboard Widget Roles not working issue fixed
- Fixed: Custom Font(Google Font) not working on Admin Bar issue fixed. Body Font will apply full Admin Panel
- Fixed: Typography font family dropdown height issue fixed
- Fixed: Post Types Order shifting left issue fixed
- Fixed: Using '< style >' and '< script >' tag for CSS & JS in Custom CSS & Custom JS
- Fixed: Custom UI Templates Admin Bar dropdown transparent background issue fixed
- Fixed: Menu svg icon normal/hover/active color issue fixed
- Fixed: Bottom Dashboard submenu click/blink on hover issue fixed
- Fixed: Classic Editor & Advanced Editor Tools Plugin issue fixed.
- Fixed: Admin Pages: User Role Access role editor Broken text & not visible Text issue
- Fixed: "Menu Editor" Import Menu function not clickable and not functioning issue fixed
- Fixed: "Menu Editor" Added success/error message for reset menu
- Fixed: "Welcome widget" displaying by user roles issue fixed
- Fixed: "Welcome widget" right side extra space issue fixed
- Fixed: "Menu Settings" Active Menu Style > classic/rounded both style issue fixed
- Fixed: "Woocommerce" admin page top bar style conflict issue fixed
- Fixed: Admin Page editor button 'view admin page/ add admin page' style issue fixed
- Fixed: Gutenberg Editor after publishing post "View Admin as" button style issue fixed
- Fixed: Folders - grab icon not working issue for Custom Post Types fixed
- Update: Tweaks: Check If Plugins is active for Options
- Update: WP Adminify Options 'Light/Dark Mode' renamed to 'Logo Options'
- Update: Hide WP Adminify pricing page for pro users
- Update: Changed Freemius License method
- Update: "New" Button removal option by user roles
- Update: Added Typography settings for admin bar and load google font dynamically from options
- Update: Remove ID from Taxonomy(Category), default value set to disabled. You can enable it if you want.
- Update: "Select Icon" added to Menu Editor icon upload button when it is empty
- Update: Updated all code_editor's where removed style & script tag (that was hardcoded ) to direct input from the editor by the user
- Update: No Admin Notices for Premium Customers, only see Plugin Updated Changelog notice
- Update: Admin Pages - Adminify clone error for Elementor Page Builder issue fixed
- Update: Adminify Clone - Fixed for Elementor Page Templates cloning issue
- Update: Login Customizer Templates updated and made responsive
- Update: Activity Logs Module updated for debug logs
- Update: WooCommerece - Admin Bar issue fixed
v2.0.8 - 01-05-2022
- Fixed: Rounded Menu style issue fixed on Dark Mode
- Updated: Admin Bar updated
- Updated: Tweaks updated - Avatar Defaults return value error issue fixed
- Updated: Welcome Widget text color issue fixed
- Support: Quill Forms support given
v2.0.7 - 27-03-2022
- Fixed: Background color changed issue fixed
v2.0.6 - 27-03-2022
- Fixed: Adminify Clone updated to protect SQL Query
- Fixed: After Installing WP Adminify, frontend content blank issue fixed
- Fixed: WooCommerce Order Number Input, Delete Button, Input Toggle button style issue fixed
- Fixed: Ronded Menu Style background issue fixed
- Fixed: User Info text color changed to var scss.
- Fixed: CSS Color issues - Plugin Name, Description, Post Meta Field, Widget Title issue fixed.
- Fixed: Logo Height issue on "New Post" Gutenberg editor. Thanks to @jim.roberts, Support URL:
- Updated: Dark Mode Admin Bar Search icon not showing issue fixed.
- Updated: Dashboard Welcome widget style issue fixed
- Updated: Folders search Input and Create Folder Input Placeholder color issue fixed
- Updated: Wordfence style updated
v2.0.5 - 04-03-2022
- Updated: Login Customizer - missing Templates styles for Lost Password and Register page issue fixed. Thanks a lot @Rogar for informing about the issue
- Updated: Folders - Font size issue on "Create New Folder" fixed
- Updated: WP Adminify Options Icons alignment issue fixed
- Updated: Menu Editor Content overlap and Save Button Alignment issue fixed
- Updated: Better visibility on Dark Mode Texts
- Updated: Dismiss Admin Notices conflict issue with WooCommerce fixed
- Updated: Admin Columns empty page issue fixed
- Updated: Post Box Category UI improvements. Previously there was no border, given bordered with better UX.
- Update: Security fix for Freemius SDK
- Fixed: Folder Modules not working issue fixed
- Fixed: Quick Menu not showing issue fixed
- Fixed: Admin Pages Admin Bar issue
- Fixed: Admin Pages footer quick menu issue
- Fixed: Admin Pages Notice Issue
- Fixed: Admin Pages Hieght Issue
- Fixed: Every String can be translatable now, generated latest .pot file
- Fixed: Admin Pages - Submenu page access denied issue fixed
- Fixed: Admin Pages - Submenu under WooCommerce Analytics not working issue fixed.
- Added: New Plugin supports on request of @Philip Levine - Simple Calendar and Smash Balloon Instagram Feed supports given
v2.0.4 - 21-02-2022
- Fixed: Quick Menu not showing issue fixed
- Fixed: Folder Modules not working issue fixed
v2.0.3 - 20-02-2022
- Fixed: Menu Editor not working issue fixed
v2.0.2 - 20-02-2022
- Fixed: Search Bar not hiding for Pro version issue fixed
- Fixed: Admin bar on WordPress Core UI showing while "Disabled" Adminify UI issue fixed
- Fixed: Tweaks.php warning issue fixed
- Fixed: warning '_remove_visual_composer_generator' issue fixed
- Fixed: WP Adminify>Widget Settings Icon alignment issue fixed
- Fixed: Metabox color picker style issue fixed
- Updated: Menu Editor Icon Picker script loading issue fixed. Compatability given with jQuery.
- Updated: Admin Bar Logo grayscale issue fixed. Requested by @Philip
- Updated: "Howdy" text option hidden for Adminify UI, text change option will show only for default UI.
- Updated: Change or Remove ‘Howdy Admin’ in WordPress not working issue fixed
- Updated: Dismiss Notice Updated - not translating to other language and broken UTF-8 codes encode and decoding issue fixed
- Updated: Dismiss Admin Notices conflicts with WooCommerce issue fixed
- Supports: Gravity Forms Supports given
- Supports: Adminbar class error "Undefined variable: light_bg_color" issue fixed
v2.0.1 - 24-01-2022
- Added: Setup Wizard added for easily configure full plugin settings
- Added: Added New Menu "Setup Wizard"
- Added: Menu Settings - Mini Mode not Folded Menu settings issue fixed
- Added: Added 9 Preset Templates with Custom Color Selections like - Body Background Color, Menu Background, Menu Text Color, Admin Bar Background, Admin Bar Icon Color, Admin Bar Search Background, Admin Bar Text Color, Notification Background, Text Color, Button Background etc.
- Updated: Login Customizer Module fully re-coded with Live Preview and Templates structure re-coded
- Updated: Network Data Clone with Checkbox options added. Supported Clone data - Adminify Options, Sidebar Settings, Custom CSS and JS, Admin Columns Data, Saved Admin Notices, Notification Bar, Login Customizer etc.
- Updated: Networks Options Clone UI updated with Dark Mode supports
- Updated: Adminify Framework Updated
- Updated: Enable Schedule Dark Mode "Start Time" and "End Time" updated with time picker.
- Updated: Admin Pages updated Compatability with any page builder like Elementor, Brizy, Oxygen Builder, Beaver Builder etc.
- Updated: Plugin Compatability for Network or Multisite and Individual Sites configuration updated
- Updated: Elementor Notice toolbar partially hidden issue fixed. Thanks a lot @brian.dragutsky for informing about this.
- Updated: Dismiss Admin Notices Description updated
- Updated: Admin Bar SVG Icon visibility issue fixed
- Updated: Sidebar Generator not working while on Gutenberg Editor issue fixed
- Updated: For Network Admin Page - Dark/Light switcher not working issue fixed
- Updated: Individual Multisite sites Light/Dark Switcher not working issue fixed
- Updated: If "Admin Notice" enabled then WooCommerce product "wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=product", Product Import not working issue fixed
- Updated: WP Adminify White Labeling can be done for "Agency or Higher" plans
- Updated: Admin Bar Bottom position dropdown not working vertically issue fixed
- Updated: "WP Adminify" White Label was only for "Agency". Now it'll work for Agency and Higher plans
- Fixed: Admin Dashboard CSS not working issue fixed
- Fixed: Admin Bar issue with WP Ultimo, Fluent Forms, Fluent CRM and few other plugins fixed
- Fixed: Logo Login URL "http://1" issue fixed. Thanks a lot @Philip Levine for informing about the issue
- Fixed: Fatal Error while Activation WP Adminify. Thanks to @gerold1968, Support URL:
- Fixed: Folder Modules conflicting with Blocksy Theme issue fixed.
- Fixed: PHP Deprecated: Non-static method Freemius_Api_WordPress::Test() should not be called statically in '../plugins/adminify/lib/freemius/includes/class-fs-api.php' on line 404 issue fixed
- Fixed: If Adminify Activated then WooCommerce needs to click twice on "Active" Plugin and not activation issue fixed.
- Fixed: If any other Plugin or Theme has Freemius then conflicting with Freemius Library and "WP Adminify" not activating with fatal error issue fixed
- Fixed: Dashboard widget "Real-time Server Info" shows accurate data from Linux Server
- Fixed: "Real-time Server Info" counting original Server Time
- Fixed: Conflicting with Elementor Pro - "An error appears on every page of the site: Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given" issue fixed
- Fixed: If Admin Notice enabled then WooCommerce Products/Orders not showing issue fixed
- Fixed: "Admin Bar Scroll" on Gutenberg Post Editor issue fixed.
- Fixed: Publish Button Overlap on Gutenberg Post Editor issue fixed
- Fixed: Settings, Yoast SEO, Brizy icons on Gutenberg Post Editor alignment and style issue fixed
v2.0.0 - 22-12-2021
- Added: Module - "Adminify UI", you can completely disable Adminify UI and work on WordPress default UI.
- Added: "Register" Label added on Login Customizer
- Added: Default Blue Button color customization options with Background Color, Text Color, Border color options on "WP Adminify>Customize" Section
- Added: Change "Howdy" text on default Admin Bar
- Fixed: Menu Icon not showing issue fixed
- Fixed: Conflict with "Fluent Form" issue fixed
- Fixed: Conflict with "Fluent CRM" issue fixed
- Fixed: Dark Mode Color Issue - Custom CSS & JS, Dashboard Widgets, Sidebar Widgets Heading background color issue fixed
- Fixed: Dark Mode Color Issue - Real-time Server Info
- Fixed: Activity Logs - sub heading color issue fixed
- Fixed: Activity Logs - Dashboard Widget was showing 10 activities, made it latest 5 activities will show
- Fixed: Logo Login URL issue fixed. Thanks a lot @Philip Levine for informing about the issue
- Fixed: Yoast SEO Image stretched issue fixed
- Fixed: Admin Footer Text not showing issue fixed
- Fixed: "Admin Pages" Admin Bar Menu showing for Free Version issue fixed
- Fixed: WP Adminify Options Dark Mode Color Picker all time set in Blue color issue fixed
- Fixed: Activity Logs - Heading and Table Row Background color in Dark Mode issue fixed
- Fixed: Admin Columns - Range Slider background color issue fixed
- Updated: User Activities - Dashboard Widget pagination alignment and overlapping with heading issue fixed
- Updated: Dashboard widget "Real-time Server Info" will show only Linux Based server
- Updated: Brizy Page Builder supports for Media Library broken style
- Updated: Admin Pages support for - divi, gutenberg, brizy, oxygen, elementor builder
- Updated: Dark Mode - Text Color not visible issue fixed
- Updated: Dark Mode - Text Color not visible issue fixed
v1.0.9 - 04-12-2021
- Added: Multisite Network settings added on Network Options. Copy Options settings from one site to "All Sites" or "Specific Sites", "Exclude Sites" settings option added for Network Admin
- Added: (Requested by Philip Levine) "WP Adminify" dropdown menu options hide from Admin Bar settings added "WP Adminify>Admin Bar>Hide 'WP Adminify' Menu"
- Added: (Requested by Philip Levine) admin.php?page=wp-adminify-settings#tab=admin-bar -> Styles - The text color does not seem to be applying issue fixed
- Added: (Requested by Drijen Shah) Oxygen Builder support given
- Added: (Requested by Drijen Shah) Oxygen Builder supports Support given for Admin Pages
- Fixed: Admin Columns not working on Free version issue fixed
- Fixed: Admin Bar "Search Form" options settings not working issue fixed
- Fixed: Admin Bar "Search Form" options settings not working issue fixed
- Fixed: Admin Bar "Comments Icon" options not working issue fixed
- Fixed: Admin Bar "View Website Icon" options not working issue fixed
- Fixed: Admin Bar "Light/Dark Switcher" options not working issue fixed
- Fixed: Renamed text "Light/Dark Button" to "Light/Dark Switcher" on "WP Adminify>Admin Bar" options settings
- Fixed: If no Post Types selected then Folders Module showing error issue fixed
- Fixed: Dashboard Widget "WP Memory Usage" warning on CENTOS - "SPIFileInfo::getSize() open_basedir restriction in effect" issue fixed
- Fixed: Dark Mode input field not visible on "WP Adminify>Customize" issue fixed
- Fixed: (Requested by Philip Levine) - "jQuery(document).ready(function(){ he Google Console says "Unexpected token '('" From the debugging I did, I believe there is an extra } on line 146 plus in issue with the jQuery call on 151" issue has been fixed
- Fixed: (Solution by Philip Levine) - "The URL is adding an extra wp-admin/ and is referencing index.php instead of admin.php for Admin Notices. Thanks a lot @Philip Levine for the solution.
- Fixed: WP Admin Bar "WP Adminify" broken menu url's updated for - Notification Bar, Admin Page and Login Customizer
- Updated: Custom CSS and JS for Admin Area enqueued properly
- Updated: Folders - Dashicons not working issue fixed
- Updated: Admin Notice Text Color on Dark Mode not showing good issue fixed
- Updated: Multisite Plugins menu text "Network Only" and "Network Active" visibility issue fixed
- Updated: Icons not showing on Admin Pages issue fixed
- Updated: Option settings "Backup" renamed "Import/Export"
- Support: New Plugin support - ali2woo, Oxygen Builder, WPBackery Visual Composer, wpDataTables, GDPR Cookie Compliance (CCPA ready), Swift Performance Lite Plugins supports given
- Support: Given Elementor Page Builder support for Admin Pages
v1.0.8 - 24-11-2021
- Fixed: Duplicate "Notices" sub menu under Dashboard Menu issue fixed
- Fixed: Admin Notices not showing on "Notices" Menu
- Fixed: Broken Folder Module issue fixed
- Fixed: Add plugins "Search keyword" dropdown icon arrow space issue fixed
- Fixed: Fixed Gutenberg Editor stretched and Typography issue fixed
- Fixed: "PHP Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML(): Tag path invalid in Entity" warning issue fixed
- Fixed: Dark/Light Logo not changing depending on modes
- Fixed: If custom "Admin Footer Text" placed then whole footer informations hidden issue fixed
- Fixed: Admin Pages 404 error with Elementor and not working issue fixed
- Fixed: Dark Mode "New" Button Text color issue fixed
- Fixed: "Author Name" not not showing on Activity Logs issue fixed
- Fixed: Welcome Widgets Specific Pages not showing, it was only showing if Elementor Page Builder is Activated. This issue has been resolved
- Fixed: Only "Schedule Dark Mode" Heading was showing, not showing "Enable Schedule Dark Mode" by default. It's needed to switch on "Dark Mode" to see the options. Fixed this bug also
- Fixed: WooCommerce "Order, Customer, Products" items with columns not showing issue fixed.
- Fixed: Menu Editor 'Hidden for Rules' dropdown selection not working properly.
- Updated: Third Party Media Folders Plugin conflict notice given for - Folders, Filebird, Real Media Library Lite, Wicked Folders, Real Category Library Lite, WP Media Folders, Media Library Plus etc
- Updated: Conflicting with Wicked Folders issue resolved
- Updated: Folder Module Updated - If any existing Folder plugins installed then it will be automatically disabled. If you want to use WP Adminify Folders Module then you've to Deactivate or Uninstall existing Activated Folder Plugin
- Updated: Horizontal Menu settings option name updated from "Menu Type" to "Menu Item Style"
- Updated: WordPress Body Google fonts not working properly issue fixed
- Updated: Body Background Color not working properly issue fixed
- Updated: Background Color not working properly issue fixed
- Updated: Admin Bar pre-loader timing reduce for better UX
- Updated: By Default some Menu Icons which consists with svg icons or images aren't showing properly, this issue has been fixed
- Compatibility: New Plugins Compatability given for - 1) Brizy Page Builder, 2) WordPress Page Builder – Beaver Builder, 3) Hide My WP Ghost – Security Plugin, 4) FileBird – WordPress Media Library Folders & File Manager, 5) Folders – Unlimited Folders to Organize Media Library Folder, Pages, Posts, File Manager, 5) WordPress Media Library Folders 6) WP Media folders 7) Wicked Folders 8) WordPress Real Media Library: Media Library Folder & File Manager 9) WordPress Real Category Management: Content Management in Category Folders 10) WooFunnels Aero Checkout
- Warning: Deprecated: Required parameter $youtube follows optional parameter $module_name issue solved
- Warning: Deprecated: Required parameter $value follows optional parameter $content issue solved
- Supports: Admin Pages support given for - Elementor Page Builder, Brizy Builder, Divi Theme, Beaver Builder etc
- Added: "Delete" Activity Logs button added
- Added: Added message and links on "Activity Logs Page" like How long to store data for "Activity Logs". Also Options Settings added on "WP Adminify>Module Settings>Activity Logs"
v1.0.7 - 07-11-2021
- Updated: Menu Editor not sorting problem fixed
- Updated: Admin Columns Items not sorting issue fixed
- Updated: Updated several issues on WooCommerce Dark Mode
- Updated: While sorting Admin Columns items was flickering and has animation issues. We've fixed that also
- Fixed: Thanks to @laficomedia. Found some bugs and we've fixed those. Support URL:
- Fixed: WooCommerce plugin activation error fixed
- Fixed: WooCommerce Product menu link error issue fixed
- Fixed: WooCommerce Order items duplicate issue fixed
- Fixed: WooCommerce Order page text color on WooCommerce Dark Mode not visible issue fixed
- Fixed: WooCommerce Product Category Admin page text color on WooCommerce Dark Mode not visible issue fixed
- Fixed: WooCommerce Product Tag Admin page text color on WooCommerce Dark Mode not visible issue fixed
- Added: Post Type names added on small font size on Admin Columns Taxonomy Names for better understanding about Post Type dependency category Labels
v1.0.6 - 23-10-2021
- Fixed: Logincustomizer Background Images not found issue fixed
v1.0.5 - 23-10-2021
- Fixed: Option Settings Color picker color not changing issue fixed
- Fixed: Horizontal Menu not working issue fixed on Adminify Pro
- Fixed: Dashboard Widgets not removing issue fixed
- Updated: updated codebase according to request akcl. Support URL:
v1.0.4 - 29-09-2021
- Fixed: Admin Columns issue fixed
- Fixed: Fixed Editor button background issue
- Fixed: Fixed Google Pagespeed input button border issue
v1.0.3 - 29-08-2021
- Updated: Fixed typo on plugin name
v1.0.2 - 29-08-2021
- Updated: some UI Fixings
v1.0.1 - 29-08-2021
- Updated: Version bump and WordPress 5.8.3 compatiblity
v1.0.0 - 18-02-2021
- Initial Release