A complete guide to common WordPress http status code errors

It’s a beautiful sunny day, you’re up early sitting on your porch admiring the weather and you pull out your laptop excited by the endless possibilities of a productive day to follow.

You open your browser, go over to the search bar, and type in your website URL. Just as you’re taking a sip of your coffee your eyes wander to the screen and you see this

wordpress http status code errors

Vibes ruined, day ruined, mood ruined! But it can get way worse! What if you don’t know what the http status code error even means?

We’ve all been there. Trying to get work done only to be stopped in our tracks by an http error code. It’s truly a nightmare, especially for a non-technical person who lacks the know-how to decipher the code.

That is exactly why we’ve decided to write this guide for you. We’ll take you through the dark seedy underbelly of the world of http error codes and walk you through what each means and what to do when you run into one.

But first, we need to understand what an http error code is.

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    What is an HTTP Status Code Error?

    HTTP status codes are messages from web servers to your browser. They help explain what happened when you try to visit a webpage. These codes are important because they tell you if something went wrong and what it might be.

    Here’s how it works:

    • You Request a Page: When you type a website address into your browser or click a link, your browser asks the server for the page.
    • Server Processes the Request: The server gets your request and looks for the page or file you want.
    • Server Sends a Response: The server then sends back a message with a status code to tell your browser what happened.
    How browser shows you information

    These status codes are grouped into five types:

    • 1xx Informational: The server got the request and is still working on it.
    • 2xx Success: The request was successful, and the server has sent the page or file you wanted.
    • 3xx Redirection: You need to do something else, like go to a different page.
    • 4xx Client Error: There was a problem with your request, like a wrong address or not having permission.
    • 5xx Server Error: The server had a problem and couldn’t do what you asked.

    These codes help you understand why a page isn’t loading and what might be wrong. By knowing what these codes mean, you can fix problems on your website and keep everything running smoothly.

    However, If you can’t already tell, error codes and their related terms and descriptions where written by developers and engineers for developers and engineers. Which means that some of the terminology might come off as gibberish to the average layman who’s just trying to manage an eCommerce site or a blog. So before going into the codes here’s a list of terms that you might run into and what they mean.

    Terminology List

    HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol): The foundation of any data exchange on the Web. It is a protocol used for transmitting hypertext requests and information between servers and browsers.

    Status Code: A three-digit number sent by a server in response to a client’s request. It indicates the status of the request.

    URI (Uniform Resource Identifier): A string of characters used to identify a resource on the Internet. This includes URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), which are the web addresses you type into your browser.

    Server: A computer or system that provides resources, data, services, or programs to other computers, known as clients, over a network.

    Client: The device or software (like your web browser) that requests resources or services from a server.

    Browser: A software application used to access and view websites. Examples include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge.

    Redirect: A method used to send users and search engines to a different URL from the one they originally requested.

    Cache: A storage location that temporarily stores data so future requests for that data can be served faster.

    Permissions: The rights or access levels assigned to users or processes to read, write, or execute files or resources on a server.

    Logs: Files that record events and activities on a server. Logs can help diagnose and troubleshoot issues by providing detailed information about what happened at specific times.

    Plugin: A piece of software that adds specific features or functionalities to a WordPress site.

    Theme: A collection of templates and stylesheets used to define the appearance and display of a WordPress site.

    Host/Hosting Provider: A service that provides the technologies needed for a website to be viewed on the Internet. Hosting providers store your website files on their servers and make them accessible to users.

    Common WordPress HTTP Status Code Errors

    Informational Responses (1xx)

    1xx status codes are messages from the server that tell you the request has been received and is being processed. These are not final responses, but rather updates that the server is working on your request.
    CodeMeaningWhat do these HTTP status error code mean in WordPressWhat to do
    100ContinueRarely seen in WordPress, but might occur during large file uploadsWait for the process to complete. If issues persist, check file size limits
    101Switching ProtocolsUncommon in WordPress, might occur when switching to a secure connectionNo action needed; the process should complete automatically
    102ProcessingMight occur during long-running processes in WordPressWait for the process to complete. If it takes too long, check server resources
    103Early HintsCould be used for resource preloading in WordPress themesNo action needed; this is for browser optimization

    1xx codes are generally not common in everyday browsing. They are more like behind-the-scenes updates to let the browser know the server is handling things.

    Successful Responses (2xx)

    2xx status codes indicate that the server successfully processed the request and completed it as expected. These codes generally mean that everything went well with your request.
    CodeMeaningWhat do these HTTP status error code mean in WordPressWhat to do
    200OKSuccessful request, page or resource loaded correctlyChill out
    201CreatedSuccessful creation of a new resource (e.g., post, page, or user)Chill out
    202AcceptedRequest accepted but not yet processed (e.g., scheduled posts)Chill out and wait for the process to complete
    203 Non-AuthoritativeInformationContent from a cached copy rather than the original serverRefresh the page if you need the most up-to-date content
    204No ContentSuccessful request but no content to send back (e.g., delete operation)Chill out
    205Reset ContentInstructs the client to reset the document view (rare in WordPress)Refresh the page
    206Partial ContentSuccessful partial content delivery (e.g., resume interrupted downloads)Chill out and wait for the download to complete
    207Multi-StatusProviding status for multiple independent operations (e.g., WebDAV)Check individual operation statuses
    208Already ReportedAvoid redundancy in WebDAV collections (rare in WordPress)Chill out
    226IM UsedThe server has fulfilled a GET request for the resource (rare in WordPress)Chill out

    2xx status codes are positive indicators that your request was successful and that the server responded as expected.

    Redirection Messages (3xx)

    3xx status codes indicate that further action needs to be taken by the client (your browser) to complete the request. These codes are used when the resource you requested has been moved to a different location or requires some sort of redirection.

    CodeMeaningWhat do these HTTP status error code mean in WordPressWhat to do
    300Multiple ChoicesMultiple options for the resource (rare in WordPress)Choose the appropriate option or contact the site admin
    301Moved PermanentlyPage has been permanently redirected (common with SEO plugins)Update any bookmarks or links to the new URL
    302Found (Temporary Redirect)Temporary redirect (e.g., maintenance mode plugins)Try again later or check for site maintenance notices
    303See OtherRedirect to another URL using GET methodFollow the redirect to the new location
    304Not ModifiedBrowser cache is up-to-date, no need to retransmit requested contentNo action needed; your browser is using a cached version
    307Temporary RedirectSimilar to 302, but maintains the HTTP method usedFollow the redirect; it should be temporary
    308Permanent RedirectSimilar to 301, but maintains the HTTP method usedUpdate any bookmarks or links to the new URL

    3xx status codes are helpful for managing and maintaining web traffic, ensuring users are directed to the correct resources even if their locations change.

    Client Error Responses (4xx)

    4xx status codes indicate that there was an error with the request from your browser or client. These errors mean that something went wrong on the client side, like typing a wrong URL or not having permission to access a page.
    CodeMeaningWhat do these HTTP status error code mean in WordPressWhat to do
    400Bad RequestMalformed request syntax, often due to plugin conflictsClear browser cache, disable plugins one by one to identify conflicts
    401UnauthorizedUser not authenticated for protected contentLog in or request access from the site administrator
    402Payment RequiredReserved for future use, potential for paywalled contentCheck if payment is required for access
    403ForbiddenUser doesn't have necessary permissions (e.g., accessing wp-admin without rights)Check your user role and permissions, contact site admin if needed
    404Not FoundPage or resource doesn't exist (e.g., deleted post, mistyped URL)Check your user role and permissions, contact site admin if needed
    405Method Not AllowedHTTP method not supported for requested resourceContact the site admin or developer
    406Not AcceptableServer can't produce a response matching the list of acceptable valuesCheck your browser settings or contact the site admin
    407Proxy Authentication RequiredClient must authenticate with a proxy (rare in WordPress)Authenticate with the proxy server
    408Request TimeoutServer timed out waiting for the request (e.g., slow plugins, poor hosting)Check your internet connection and try again
    409ConflictRequest conflicts with current state of the server (e.g., edit conflicts)Refresh the page and try again
    410GoneResource is no longer available and will not be available againRemove any bookmarks to this resource
    411Length RequiredServer rejected request because Content-Length header field is not definedContact the site admin or developer
    412Precondition FailedServer doesn't meet preconditions specified in request headersRefresh the page and try again
    413Payload Too LargeRequest entity is larger than limits defined by server (e.g., large file uploads)Try uploading a smaller file or contact the site admin
    414URI Too LongThe URI requested by the client is longer than the server can interpretShorten the URL or contact the site admin
    415Unsupported Media TypeThe media format of the requested data is not supported by the serverTry a different file format or contact the site admin
    416Range Not SatisfiableThe range specified by the Range header field in the request can't be fulfilledRefresh the page and try again
    417Expectation FailedThe expectation indicated by the Expect request header field can't be metContact the site admin or developer
    418I'm a teapotApril Fools' joke by RFC 2324, not typically used in WordPressHave a chuckle
    421Misdirected RequestThe request was directed at a server unable to produce a responseContact the site admin or developer
    422Unprocessable EntityThe request was well-formed but unable to be followed due to semantic errorsCheck your input and try again
    423LockedThe resource being accessed is locked (e.g., WebDAV)Wait and try again later
    424Failed DependencyThe request failed due to failure of a previous request (e.g., WebDAV)Check for errors in related operations and try again
    425Too EarlyServer is unwilling to risk processing a request that might be replayedWait and try again later
    426Upgrade RequiredClient should switch to a different protocolUpdate your browser or contact the site admin
    428Precondition RequiredThe origin server requires the request to be conditionalRefresh the page and try again
    429Too Many RequestsUser has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting")Wait and try again later
    431Request HeaderFields Too LargeServer is unwilling to process the request because its header fields are too largeClear browser cache and cookies, then try again
    451Unavailable For Legal ReasonsResource unavailable for legal reasons (e.g., censorship)Check local laws or contact the site admin

    4xx status codes help identify and troubleshoot issues that originate from the client’s side, making it easier to resolve access and request problems.

    Server Error Responses (5xx)

    5xx status codes indicate that the server encountered a problem while processing the request. These errors mean something went wrong on the server side, and it couldn’t complete the request.
    Code MeaningWhat do these HTTP status error code mean in WordPressWhat to do
    500 Internal Server ErrorGeneric server error (e.g., PHP errors, plugin conflicts)Check error logs, disable plugins, switch to default theme
    501Not ImplementedServer doesn't recognize the request method or lacks ability to fulfillContact the site admin or developer
    502Bad GatewayServer got an invalid response from an upstream server (e.g., reverse proxy issues)Wait and try again; if persistent, contact hosting provider
    503Service UnavailableServer temporarily unable to handle the request (e.g., maintenance, overload)Wait and try again later
    504Gateway TimeoutServer didn't receive a timely response from an upstream serverWait and try again; if persistent, contact hosting provider
    505HTTP Version Not SupportedServer doesn't support the HTTP protocol version used in the requestUpdate your browser or contact the site admin
    506Variant Also NegotiatesServer has an internal configuration error with content negotiationContact the site admin or developer
    507Insufficient StorageServer unable to store the representation needed to complete the requestFree up server space or contact hosting provider
    508Loop DetectedServer detected an infinite loop while processing the requestContact the site admin or developer
    510Not ExtendedFurther extensions to the request are required for the server to fulfill itContact the site admin or developer
    511Network Authentication RequiredClient needs to authenticate to gain network accessAuthenticate with the network (e.g., public Wi-Fi login)

    5xx status codes help diagnose and address server-side issues, ensuring the server can successfully handle future requests.

    Some Common WordPress Error Codes

    WordPress users often encounter various HTTP status error codes while managing their sites. Understanding these codes can help you troubleshoot issues more effectively. Here are some of the most common error codes WordPress administrators face:

    403 Forbidden Error

    The WP Admin 403 forbidden error is a frequent issue that prevents access to the WordPress admin area. This “wordpress admin 403 forbidden” message typically appears when there’s a problem with file permissions or security plugins. To resolve the 403 error wordpress admin issue, check your .htaccess file, disable security plugins temporarily, or contact your hosting provider for assistance.

    403 Forbidden error

    404 Not Found Error

    Encountering an error 404 wordpress admin can be frustrating, especially when trying to access the admin panel. This wordpress admin 404 issue often occurs due to incorrect permalink settings or corrupted .htaccess files. If you’re facing a wp admin 404 error, try resetting your permalinks or regenerating your .htaccess file.

    404 Not Found Error

    400 Bad Request Error

    The wp admin ajax 400 bad request is a common error that occurs during AJAX operations in WordPress. This can be caused by conflicts with plugins, themes, or incorrect server configurations. To resolve this, try disabling plugins one by one, switching to a default theme, or increasing your server’s PHP memory limit.

    400 Bad request Error

    415 Unsupported Media Type

    The status code 415 error is less common but can occur when uploading media files to WordPress. This usually happens when the server doesn’t recognize the file type you’re trying to upload. Ensure that your file types are supported and that your server’s MIME types are correctly configured.

    415 Unsupported Media Type

    500 Internal Server Error

    A wordpress admin 500 error is a generic error message indicating that something has gone wrong on the server side. This can be caused by various issues, including plugin conflicts, corrupted WordPress core files, or PHP memory limits. To troubleshoot, try increasing PHP memory, disabling all plugins, or reinstalling WordPress core files.

    500 Internal Server error

    503 Service Unavailable

    The wp admin 503 service unavailable error typically occurs when your server is overloaded or undergoing maintenance. This can be due to high traffic, resource-intensive plugins, or actual server maintenance. If you encounter this error, wait a few minutes and try again. If the issue persists, contact your hosting provider for assistance.

    503 Service unavailable error

    Final Thoughts

    Understanding HTTP status codes is essential for diagnosing and resolving issues on your WordPress site.

    These codes provide valuable information about what went wrong and how to fix it, whether it’s a client-side error or a server-side problem. By familiarizing yourself with these codes, you can quickly identify and address issues, ensuring a smooth and reliable experience for your website visitors.

    Keep this guide handy as a reference to troubleshoot any HTTP errors you encounter, and maintain a well-functioning WordPress site.

    Avatar of Roy Jemee

    Roy Jemee

    Jemee is a dedicated content creator, video producer, and Support specialist for WP Adminify plugin users. With a passion for keeping the community informed, Jemee shares valuable insights through blog posts and engaging videos. Need assistance? Jemee is here to help you solve any WP Adminify plugin related challenges! Just join in the live chat or drop an email from the contact page.