WP Adminify Options Panel Introduction

Let’s take an in-depth look at the WP Adminify options panel. You can disable any module that you don’t need and customize your dashboard as you want by using the options panel.

Without further explanation, take a look at the following list. These are all options you will see while visiting the WP Adminify options panel. To access WP Adminify options, log in to your website dashboard. Search for the “WP Adminify” menu and click on it.

Table of Contents
    Add a header to begin generating the table of contents

    Modules Manager

    This is the first option which you will access by default. Inside this area, you can enable or disable any module that WP Adminify offers. For example, if you don’t want “folders” then just disable this module and click on the “save” button. It will remove the folder system from your dashboard.

    WP Adminify Modules Options


    Here you can customize your Dashboard body font, font style, size, line height, Body-color, Dashboard background type (Color, Gradient, Image, Slideshow, Video).

    WP Adminify ui templates

    Dark / Light Mode

    Manage your Dark / Light mode, Logo Type, & Schedule Dark mode option here. It’s the options panel for managing dark or light mode properly. You can enable dark mode by one click from the topbar option. But You need to set different logo for dark and light mode. Otherwise, there will be a problem with readability. You have to maintain this stuff from the option panel. 

    WP Adminify Dark and Light mode

    Admin Footer

    You may notice some important information like WP Memory limit, PHP version, IP, WordPress version in your Dashboard Footer. Control which info you like to show and hide from the footer from this options panel.

    WP Adminify Admin Footer customization

    Menu Settings

    WP Adminify comes with a Vertical and Horizontal Dashboard menu. You can select your perfect menu type and style from the Menu Settings option.

    WP Adminify Menu Settings

    Admin Bar

    Customize your Dashboard topbar menu item and it’s style. You can hide Frontend Admin bar, Set position for the Admin bar too. From the style tab you can set a different color for the top bar background, text, button, dropdown, and icon.

    WP Adminify Admin Bar Options


    Tweaks will help you to do some important fixing for your website. Inside tweaks, there are some other menus available like Head, Feed, HTTP Response, etc. Take a look at this WP Adminify Tweaks category for in-depth information regarding each option.

    WP Adminify Tweaks

    Widget Settings

    Define user role for your Dashboard widgets and remove all unwanted sidebar widgets too. For example, if you don’t need RSS, Meta, Archives widgets then you can select them and remove them.

    WP Adminify Widget Settings

    Admin Notice

    This option stand for “Admin Notice Module”. You can customize your admin notices behavior from this options panel. You better check the Disable Admin Notice in WordPress for more information.

    Remove Dashbaord Admin notice

    Module Settings

    This option based on WP Adminify plugins modules. There are some module like Post Type order, Post Status colors, Quick Menu, etc which needs some extra options. You can access this special module option here.

    WP Adminify Modules Settings

    Assets Manager

    Keeping unnecessary scripts or styles is not a wise idea. It can decrease your website speed. Just select those scripts which seem unnecessary to you and save it.

    WP Adminify Assets Manager

    Custom CSS / JS

    Though we have a specific module called Custom CSS / JS, we’ve included a similar option inside our plugin options too. But there is a huge difference between our module and this general Custom CSS / JS option. You can write down your Custom CSS and JS for your website Dashboard here, perhaps using our module you can inject Custom CSS and JS inside entier website or specific page/post.

    Custom CSS and JS options for Dashboard

    White Label

    That’s one of the most important features for WordPress users. You can change the logo, Description, Plugin name, Developer name, Plugin URL, Even Menu label by using this option.

    WP Adminify White label options


    That’s the last option for our WP Adminify options panel. Imagine you are running WP Adminify in multiple websites. You need same plugin options configuration for all websites. You can export the options and import it in your desired website.

    WP Adminify backup

    That’s all about the introduction of the WP Adminify options panel. We recommend you to go with each module configuration to learn more about how to customize the modules properly. If you have any questions then contact us and we will try to respond as soon as possible.

    August 5, 2023
    Getting Started
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