Schedule WordPress Dashboard Dark Mode

It’s boring to always enable and disable dark mode. What if your dark mode will be automatically applied in a specific time? Yes WP Adminify introducing schedule dashboard dark mode system. You have to select your desired start and end time once. Then the system will be enabled and disable your dark mode option itself. You can check WP Adminify Dashboard Dark mode with one click for more information.

You can easily access to schedule dashboard dark mode option by following the navigation below. 

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard
  2. Navigate to WP Adminify>Dark/Light mode>Schedule Dark Mode

Click on the Dark Mode tab from color type. When you navigate to the option, you will see “Enable Schedule Dark Mode” switcher button that is currently disabled by default. You have to enable it first, then you will see more options for “Schedule Type“. There will be two options, the first one is System and the second is Custom.

System Dark Mode: This will automatically detect your device mode. If your device is on dark mode then your website will be on Dark mode too. When your device system will be on light mode, the website dashboard will be on light mode too.

enable schedule dark mode

Start Time: There you will see 24 hours from 00.00 to 23.00. You have to select when the dark mode will be enabled. You don’t have to do it every day.

schedule dark mode start time

End Time: That’s the opposite of start time. The hour’s system is the same. Just select your desired hour when you like to revert the system to light mode.

schedule dark mode end time

Best time to schedule Dark Mode

Generally, dark mode is necessary for you, if you work at night. Too much bright color can be painful for your eyes. That’s why we recommend you to use Dark mode at especially at night. Perhaps, if you love dark mode always at both night and day time. Then you can set 24 hours too.

If you still have any confusion regarding the scheduled dark mode option. Then feel free to get in touch with us via the contact page. We will try our best to assist you.

January 5, 2022
Dark Mode
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