Custom Admin Page For WordPress Dashboard Menu

Admin pages module will help you to create a top-level menu or submenu in your dashboard. Sometimes it’s required to add extra menu items inside your existing dashboard menu item. WP Adminify configured Admin page with the WordPress text editor. You can insert any Text, Shortcode, Video, Image inside the editor. WP Adminify post duplicator can help you to clone your pre-built Admin pages too. 

Without further explanation, let’s check the details feature of the Admin pages module.

You can easily access to Admin Pages option by following the navigation below. 

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard
  2. Navigate to WP Adminify>Admin Pages

If you have successfully navigated to the admin pages option, you will see something like post type layout. You can add a new admin page and customize it. Before working with an admin page, you should be familiar with it’s options.

Just click on add new button and you will see the default page or post editor by WordPress.

Admin page title and Content layout: I think you are familiar with these options. It’s like general post or page title and description. Just insert your title and any type of content here. For example, if you have a portfolio post type and like to add a new menu item under portfolio called “Portfolio Guideline”, then title your admin page “Portfolio Guideline”. Now you can write a details guideline on how to add portfolio in the content area. That’s it.

Custom WordPress Dashboard Admin Page

Custom admin page WordPress Menu

Menu Type Selection: There are two types of menu available. The first one is “Top level menu” and second is “Submenu”. If you like to add a new main dashboard menu then select “Top level menu”, perhaps if you like to add a submenu under existing main menu, then select “submenu”.

Custom Admin page meny type

Menu Order option: You need to input the menu order wisely. This option defines where exactly your top-level menu or submenu will be shown. For example: Dashboard is the first default top-level menu. It has two submenus called Home & Updates. Now if you like to insert a new admin page after “Updates” submenu, then your order number will be 4. I hope it makes sense now.

Custom Admin page menu order

Menu Icon option: Simple line icons, Dashicons, & Font awesome icons are integrated here. Just click on add icon option and select your desired icon from the library. Then click on the publish button like normal page or post.

Custom admin page icon

We’ve another module called Admin Menu Editor, with this module you can easily add a custom menu in the WordPress admin dashboard. Without creating admin page, you can insert any admin menu items too.

Dashboard Admin Pages Display Options

Enable / Disable Title, Margin, Notice: If you take a look underneath the content area, you will see Remove Page title, Remove page Margin, Remove Admin notices checkbox. You can click any option to enable it. 

Display options for Custom WordPress Admin Page

User Role access: You can define some specific user roles here. If you select Administrator and Editor here, then only these two user role are able to see your admin page. 

User role access for Custom Dashboard Page

Custom CSS / JS: In case if you need to add some Custom CSS and JS code for better user interface, then just click on this option and start writing your code. You know the possibility is endless when it comes on Codeing. 

Custom CSS and JS for WordPress Admin page

That’s all about Admin Pages module by WP Adminify. If you still have any questions regarding on Admin pages options, feel free to contact us.

February 14, 2024
Admin Pages
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