Post and Archives

Disable WordPress Search Page & Redirect to Homeapge

WordPress has a default entier site search system. We use a search widget inside sidebar or header. If you do not use the search on your site you can disable the search results page. You can block this search page by using the following snippet. Just copy the code and paste it inside your function.php…

Display Last Modified Date

People always like to keep themselves updated. Showing a very backdated date on your post, is not a wise idea. You can update your post time to time and keep your reader’s updated. Also it’s necessary to showcase your update date instead of publish date. I’m going to show you how you can display your…

How to Disable Date Archives pages in WordPress

In WordPress, date archives pages (or custom archives) are a way of displaying older posts in a separate page on your site, and can be a great way to show readers what’s been going on in your blogosphere. However, they can sometimes be an irritation and, in some cases, downright annoying. These archive pages may…

How to Disable Author Archives Pages in WordPress

WordPress has made it easier for users to organize their content. But what if you want to disable author archives pages? It’s for SEO friendly website. If you have multiple author in your website, WordPress will automatically create their archive page.  This article will show you how to disable them. First you need to login…

How to Disable Tag Archives Pages in WordPress Site?

Tag Archives are pages that store a list of posts on a particular tags. There are a lot of user who use tag’s archive instead of category. Perhaps some people want to disable tag archives page because they prefer category instead of tags. This tutorial will show you how to disable these Tag Archives pages…

How to Disable Category Archives Pages in WordPress

WordPress is a great CMS for organizing your blog. WordPress has its own unique features, and they’re (mostly) very useful. Category archives pages is a great feature by WordPress. But some people likes to stick on WordPress tag instead of category. If you are one of them, then you better disable category archives pages.  Let’s…

How to Disable Post Format Archives Pages in WordPress

Post format seems useless to a lot of bloggers. Many bloggers like to stick with the default post layout. In that case, you don’t need this extra Post Format option inside your post editor.  You can easily remove this post format by using the following code. If you think the code is a hassle to…

Remove Capital P Dangit To Speed Up Website

“WordPress” and “WordPress” you can clearly define the difference between these two words. The first one with capital P and the second one with small P. For this capital P character, WordPress executed a little piece of code in your every webpage. It’s better to get rid of this “Capital P Dangit” for better performance….

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