HTTP Response

Remove X-Powered-By from HTTP Headers

This response header contains information about PHP version on your server. This information is not used anywhere and it’s not necessary to run your website. So it’s better to remove X-Poweed-by from HTTP Headrs.  Here is a snippet for you, that will remove X-Powered-By from your HTTP headers. Just copy the following code and paste…

How To Disable Self Ping For WordPress Website’s

Sometimes it’s necessary to get pingback from different site’s so that you can check who mentioned you. But imagine, you are linking an existing page to new page and the system is sending you pingback always.  Manually delete pingback takes time. But there is a simple tweak, which will help you to disable WordPress self…

Remove rel=shortlink from HTTP header

Have your ever wondered what is the use of “rel=shortlink” on header?  The format of shortlink is very simple. It contains your domain name and page ID. The output looks like the following line. At this present world we like to use different short link services instead of the default WordPress shortlink system. Let…

How To Remove WordPress X-Pingback headers

WordPress uses XMLRPC for Pingback and Trackback. This can cause security problem sometimes.  It’s better to remove WordPress X-Pingback headers. There is a very simple snippet which will do this job for you. I will show you two different method for solving the issue.  Remove WordPress X-Pingback header via function.php Login to your Cpanel or…

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