
How to Disable XML-RPC in WordPress?

XML-RPC is an underlying communication protocol for web services that allows PHP code to access services on the Internet. This protocol is also very flexible, allowing you to choose what methods of accessing the data are available.  When you need XML-RPC? If you manage your WordPress website via WordPress mobile APP, then you will need…

How To Remove Meta Generator WordPress Version Tags?

Sometimes <meta name=”generator” content=”WordPress x.x.x” /> can put in a security risk because anyone can check which WordPress version you are using from the page source. It’s better to remove the meta generator tags and version from the head area. There is no doubt that WordPress is one of the secure CMS. Tons of new…

Remove Inline Hardcoded Recent Comments Sidebar Widget Style

Maybe you want to customize your Recent Comments Sidebar widget manually. But you will notice some inline CSS. These inline CSS will cause a problem, while you try to design this widget yourself.  Here is a quick solution which gonna help you to remove all inline hardcoded recent comments sidebar widget CSS. Login to your…

How to Remove WooCommerce Generator Meta From WordPress Head?

Showcasing any plugin’s meta info like Version is a security threat. In this tweak, I will explain how to remove WooCommerce generator meta info. I also explained why and how to remove WordPress Generator version from head in the previous tweak. Find out your active theme’s function.php file first. Edit this function.php file via any…

How to Remove Revolution Slider Generator Meta from WordPress Head?

It’s better to keep your WordPress version, WooCommerce version hidden from public. Slider Revolution is a popular plugin for many WordPress users.  It showcases Meta Generator version info in the head area. The Mega Generator line looks like the following code. Anyone able to grab your Slider Revolution version from the meta info.  Let’s check…

How to Remove Visual Composer Generator Meta in WordPress Head?

Removing Visual Composer Generator meta is easier than you think. If you have a little knowledge on Theme file structure, then you can solve this issue.  But if you don’t have proper knowledge in theme structure or coding, then you can follow the second method. Which will help you to solve the problem without any…

How to Remove WPML Generator Meta From WordPress Head?

Any theme or plugins version info maybe a security threat for you. WPML a popular multilingual plugin for WordPress site. Removing WPML Generator Meta info is not something complicated for you.  You have to place the following code properly inside your function.php file. And save the file. You will get the function.php file inside your…

How to Remove All Yoast HTML Comments From Page source?

Let’s remove all Yoast HTML comments from WordPress page or post source. Before that, I’m going to explain why you should remove it. Though HTML comments are not visible but these are a part of DOM tree and increase the number of DOM elements. Too many HTML comments can increase the overall size of any…

How to Remove Version from Style and Script From Page Source?

Have you ever checked your page source? If you have seen your page source, you may notice version info in ?ver=x.x.x format. It represents the theme or WordPress or plugins version. You can just test it now. Visit your homepage and View Page Source. You will see a lot of style and scripts having version…

How to Remove WordPress Dashicons (dashicons.min.css)?

Dashicons is the official WordPress icon since WordPress 3.8. The dashicons.min.css script loads in front end, which seems unnecessary to some users. It only needs on the backend for dashboard icons.  If you are not using any Dashicons on your page or post. Then you can disable the script from loading. It can enhance a…

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