
Disable Auto Linking of URLs in WordPress Comment Form

Have you ever noticed when someone put a plain URL in comment section, WordPress automatically set hyperlink for the URL. If it’s annoying to you, you can easily disable auto linking of URLs in comment form.  It can be permanently disabled by using a simple code. You don’t need to be an expert on coding…

How to Remove Query Strings From WordPress Gravatars

The following code will remove query strings for Gravatars in WordPress. Removing Query Strings can speed up your website for Google Page speed.  The query starts by a question mark (?), and s= refer to the size. To get better speed result you must remove Query Strings.  Here is the simple code that you need…

How to Add Custom Gravatar Image

You can define some prebuilt Gravatar image from Settings>Discussion>Default Avatar option. But it doesn’t allow you to upload your custom gravatar image. In this solution doc, I am going to show you how to upload your own images as custom gravatar.  First upload your custom gravatar image inside your media. Then expand the gravatar image…

Remove Website URL From WordPress Comments

Sometimes it’s not wise to keep Website field in your comment form. Let’s remove website field from comment form. If you are an existing Adminify user, then you can do it via one click. If not then you can do via coding too. I’m going to explain how to remove Website URL field via fucntion.php…

Remove Your Email Address Will Not Be Published Notice From WordPress Comment Form

Are you wondering to remove “Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *” notice from your WordPress comment form? Here I got a solution for you.  If you like to make your comment form clean then it’s necessary to remove all unwanted lines and checkbox. I got two solution for you. First one…

WordPress Remove Comment Author Link

If you have remove Website URL field from comment then you should remove comment author link too. Otherwise, there will be URL remain in your old blog post’s comment. Remove comment author link for all post’s is not that complicated.  All you need to follow some steps to get rid of this comment author URL…

WP Adminify V.4.0 is almost here. Fancy a Sneak Peek?