Server info

If you are not an expert in this field, it’s difficult to check the server info or WordPress debug log. This module will help you to check all necessary stuff related to the server, including php.ini, robots.txt, and .htaccess file.

Check WordPress Error Logs

WordPress Error Logs

The error logs file stores information about errors that occur on a WordPress installation or plugin. If the error log is empty, it could mean that the log is not configured for this site. Normally you can check this file after login to your Cpanel or FTP server. But while using WP Adminify, you can check error logs from server info, and clean it too.

WordPress Constants For WP-config.php

Constant functions provide a way to define a value that will always stay the same. Using the Constants feature by WP Adminify, you will get access to all necessary configurations and check which features are enabled.

WordPress Constants
.htaccess, php.ini and robots.txt file

Check .htaccess , php.ini, robots.txt File

The .htaccess file is a configuration file that controls how WordPress interacts with your webserver. It’s not the easiest thing to edit, but it does provide some great benefits. You can check and copy your .htaccess, php.ini, robots.txt file from your dashboard using WP Adminify.

WordPress Website Information

Most of all info like WordPress version, PHP version, MySQL version, PHP Memory WP Limit, PHP Memory WP-Usage, etc can be checked from this option. Also you will get information on your Active Theme and active plugin list too.

WordPress site info
WordPress website server information

WordPress Website Server Information

All information regarding your server like Operating System, Software, IP Address, Port, Timezone, PHP Max Execution Time, PHP Post Max Size, PHP Max Upload Size (WP), etc.

Adminify comes with dozens of features

Exclusive Server Info Key Features

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