Admin Bar

Before jumping into the documentation, i would like to share our “Admin Bar Editor” plugin with you. If you want to have a perfect Admin Toolbar Editor, then install this free plugin and start customizing your Admin Bar.  Before installing the plugin you can check out this WordPress toolbar editor post to learn more about the plugin. 

WordPress toolbar editor

In WP Adminify, we’ve developed some option which will help you to hide some items from your Admin Bar. 

First, you will see “Settings” and “Style” two tabs. The style tab is all about color. You can define background color or Gradient type and select all colors properly.

Frontend Admin bar: You can show or hide the front-end admin bar to logged-in users. Sometime’s it’s annoying to present your website admin bar to logged-in users. Using this option, you can easily hide the admin bar from the front end. 

WordPress Front End Admin bar hide

Admin bar Position: You can define “Top” or “bottom” as admin bar position. If you want more workspace in the top position then you should keep your admin bar at the bottom. 

admin bar position

Show / Hide specific options: You may notice there are some options in your admin bar like comment icon, view website, light, dark button. You can show or hide these specific items from your admin bar.

Admin bar option removal

That’s all about the Admin Bar option panel. If you still have any confusion regarding this option, feel free to contact us and we will assist you.

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