WordPress Server Information Module

Using this server information option you can access to various necessary info for WordPress, Server, PHP Info, MySQL, Constants, .htaccess file, php.ini file, Robots.txt file, Error Logs.

You can easily access to WordPress Server Information option by following the navigation below. 

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard
  2. Navigate to WP Adminify>Server Info

WordPress Site Information

Sometimes we need to check WordPress, PHP, MySQL version, and some other stuff like PHP Memory WP-Limit, PHP Memory WP-Usage, PHP Max Upload Size (WP) etc, you can easily get this information from the WordPress tab.

WordPress Site information

WordPress Server Information

It contains some information like OS, Software, IP Address, Web Port, Date & Time, Timezone, Protocol, CPU core, CPU Usages, Disk space, memory, Ram, etc. If you suddenly need this info, then it’s a hassle to log in to your hosting and check each info. You can access this information easily from your dashboard now.

WordPress Server Information

PHP Information

PHP is a server-side scripting language used primarily for web development. PHP is a recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. Including PHP version, Built date you can access to several data like bcmath, cgi-fcgi, Core, ctype, curl, dom, exif, fileinfo, filter, FTP support, gd, hash, etc can be accessed using server information.

PHP Inforation

MySQL Information

MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system. It is used as a server to provide multi-user access to several databases. This tab will help you to check every MySQL info that you maybe need.

MySQL Information

WordPress Constants

WordPress Constants are a set of global variables available to WordPress that contain information about WordPress, the environment it is running in, and the current user. You can read your wp-config.php file from this option. Also, you can see examples on the right side, it will help you to customize your wp-config.php file too.

WordPress Constants from WP Config file

.htaccess file

An .htaccess file is a configuration file for the Apache web server. The Apache web server is the most common web server used on Unix-based systems. Apache is written in the C programming language and has a modular design.

The .htaccess file is used to configure Apache. Many things can be configured using this configuration file, but it is most commonly used to control the behavior of how Apache responds to requests for files from other directories. If you have .htaccess file inside your root directory, then you can check it here.

PHP.INI Details Information

PHP.INI is a configuration file that dictates the behavior of the PHP engine that powers most of the web. This is typically stored in the php.ini file on the server and can be modified to change how PHP behaves.

This has many potential uses, such as changing the memory limit, output buffering, and more. Like .htaccess file, you can preview your php.ini file here too.

Robots.txt File

A Robots.txt file is a text file that is used by search engine crawlers to properly index a website and its content. The file is placed on the root directory of the website and instructs search engines not to look for any content on the website that is not public. You can check this robots.txt file and if necessary you can update it via FTP.

WordPress Error Logs

When WordPress is in trouble, the error log appears. The error log is the place where you would find the technical information about the error. A WordPress error log allows you to easily find any errors that may have occurred on your website. Errors can be a sign that your website is compromised and you should look into it.

The WordPress error log shows the date and time that each error occurred, the type of error. You can check this error logs file without login in to your FTP using this server information module. You can clean it and refresh it on your needs.

You must set true for debug and debug log from the wp-config.php file. If you don’t know how to enable debug and debug log then navigate to the Constants tab. Scroll down and search for debug mode and debug log. There is a example code, just copy it and paste it inside your wp-config.php file.

WordPress debug mode and error log

Or just copy and paste the following code inside your wp-config.php then refresh your site and check Error Logs.

					define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );

WordPress Error Logs
January 5, 2022
Server information
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