WordPress Media Library Folders Module

Dragging and dropping media into their appropriate folder can be time-consuming when you have many files to organize. this can be done easily using the WordPress media library folders module by WP Adminify. You can save a lot of time by creating a few folders specifically for your images (e.g., Product Photos, Events, Services) and uploading images to these folders instead of the Media Library itself.

You can easily enable Folder option by following the navigation below. Just make sure you have enabled Folder Module from WP Adminify Module panel.

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard
  • Navigate to WP Adminify>Modules>Folders

Configuration for Post Type & Media

Navigate to WP Adminify>Module Settings>Folders. Here you have to define where you like to enable this folder module. There are total 3 options, Disable for user role, Enable Folder for, and Enable Media Folder. 

Disable For specific User roles: You can disable folder module for some specific user roles. For example, you don’t want Author role to preview the folder. Just select author here and save it.

Disable for specific user role

Enable Folder For: This is your post type selection area. If you need folder for your post, then just check the post here. You are free to select multiple post type or all post type too.

Enable folders for post type

Enable Media Folder: This media folder works for both grid or list media layouts. If you want to categorize your photos, videos, pdf, etc then you should enable folder for the Media library first.

Enable folder for media

Folders on Pages, Post, & Post Types

As soon as you install wp adminify you can start using this folder module. This folder works extensively with drag and drops functioning. You just need to drag and drop your desired post, post type, page, media into a folder and organize it.  This functioning makes the work for Professionals easier to organize their content. Let’s see how you can create one.

Creating Folder

Suppose you want to create a folder for post section. if you have wp adminiy installed you will see a folder option in the left side like the following screenshot.

Click on “create new folder“, you will see another interface in a popup. Here you have to write your Folder Name, Color Tag, and then Save Folder.

Folder creation

After creating a folder, it will be automatically inserted inside the folder option area. Now you can drag and drop any post inside that folder. Take a look at the following screenshot. Your folder area will looks like it.

Folder Structure

Rename Folder: Just click on your desired folder which you like to rename. Then click on the “Rename” button. You can change the folder name and color tag now. 

Rename Folder

Delete Folder: If you think you should delete a folder, then click on the folder first. Now click on “Delete” button. It will show you a popup having two different button called “No, Keep It” & “Yes, Delete it!“. You know what to do. Just click on the Delete button and you are done. It will instantly remove your selected folder.

Delete folder

Short Folder: There is an icon for shorting your folder. You can short your folder from A-Z or Z-A easily. 

folder sorting

Search Folder: If you have a huge post, media, page then definitely you will create a lot of folders. You can search folders by their name too. It will help you to get the exact folder easily in no time.

folder instant search

I hope this article helps you to get a clear idea of the WP Adminify Folders module. If you still have any questions regarding this module, feel free to get in touch with us.

January 5, 2022
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