WordPress Dashboard Activity Logs

WP Adminify introducing a better solution for WordPress Activity log tracker. An activity log system enables website owners to keep up-to-date on the latest changes in their WordPress site, store, or network. There is a lot of tweaks that go on with WordPress websites. When it comes to security, troubleshooting, and keeping track of things, it is essential to have the right WordPress activity log system.

What is an Activity Log?

The activity log keeps the record of your website and changes that a user makes to your website. You can literally check every record of your website either filtering according to time or even a specific user.

Usage of Activity Log

Suppose there are 10 users or authors of your website. They regularly participate in publishing or updating posts and comments. You can track activities according to the authors. Now if you want to check the activity of a specific author you can easily track all records using the WP Adminify activity log module. 

You can easily access to WordPress Website Activity Logs option by following the navigation below. But before navigating to the following options, check Adminify Module options and make sure you have enabled the “Activity logs” module.

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard
  2. Navigate to WP Adminify>Activity Logs

Activity logs feature by WP Adminify

Filter specific time activity: There are four different type of selection available, Today, Yesterday, Week, and Month. Imagine, you like to check what happened on your site today. You can select the time and filter out only today’s activity easily.

all time filter for activity logs

Filter activity for selected User Roles: By default WordPress has a few user roles like Admin, Editor, Author, Subscriber. But if you use WooCommerce or any other forum plugin, then you will see some other user role too. All user roles will be updated here automatically. You can select admin, author, customer, or any other roles activity.

specific users filter for activity log

Filter selective user Activity: That’s an impressive option developed by WP Adminify. You can select your desired user and filter his/her activity.

specific users filter for activity logs

Filter Activity Types: Type stands for where actually some modification done. There are attachment, menu, options, plugin, post, taxonomy, theme, user type available. If someone creates a user or installed a plugin or uploads any image then it will be stored based on the type. If you like to check which media file uploaded today, then just select “Today” from time and “Attachment” from type. It will show you media uploaded logs for today.

activity type filter for activity logs

Filter Activity by different action: You know what is action means. If something is added or deleted then you can filter your logs via action too. There is a total of eight actions available like Activated, Added, Created, Deactivated, Deleted, Installed, Trashed, and Updated.

actions filter for activity logs

Search your activity: If you have something on your mind that you like to check then use the search bar. For example, you want to check a specific post update time. Just put some words from your post title and hit enter. You will see all activity based on that post.

search filter for activity logs

Activity history: Here you can see every type of action by all users for all time. You can navigate to the next page or jump to the last page of your activity too.

WordPress acttivity logs history

That’s all about the WordPress dashboard Activity logs system by WP Adminify. If you notice any issues or face any problems regarding this module, please get in touch with us via the contact page.

January 5, 2022
Activity Logs
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