Remove Your Email Address Will Not Be Published Notice From WordPress Comment Form

Are you wondering to remove “Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *” notice from your WordPress comment form? Here I got a solution for you. 

If you like to make your comment form clean then it’s necessary to remove all unwanted lines and checkbox. I got two solution for you. First one is using function.php file and second one is using Adminify. If you don’t have proper knowledge on coding, then make sure to check out the second step.

your email address will not be published notice

Login your Cpanel or FTP first. Then navigate to your active Theme directory. You will see a file named function.php. Edit this file via your Cpanel code editor or via any text editor for FTP. 

Now copy and paste the code inside your function.php file and save your file. Finally, reload your any blog post or page which has comment enabled. You will see the “Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *” notice is gone. 

					// Remove comment notes
add_filter('comment_form_defaults', 'jltwp_adminify_remove_comments_notes');
function jltwp_adminify_remove_comments_notes($defaults)
    $defaults['comment_notes_before'] = '';
    return $defaults;

You must install and active “WP Adminify” plugin to work with the following steps. 

Login to your website Dashboard. Navigate to WP Adminify>Tweaks.

nside Tweaks option you will see “Comment” tab. Just click on it and you will see “Remove Notes Before Comment Form” option. Enable it and save the settings. It will remove your comment form notice. 

Remove Notes Before Comment Form

WP Adminify and Manual code both will solve your solution. If you are not expert in coding then do it using WP Adminfy plugin.

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