How to Remove WooCommerce Generator Meta From WordPress Head?

Showcasing any plugin’s meta info like Version is a security threat. In this tweak, I will explain how to remove WooCommerce generator meta info. I also explained why and how to remove WordPress Generator version from head in the previous tweak.

Find out your active theme’s function.php file first. Edit this function.php file via any text or code editor. Then copy the following code and paste it inside your function.php file. Save it and test your WordPress head source. 

					// Remove woocommerce generator version
remove_action('wp_head', 'wc_generator_tag');

Now if you are not so technical person, then you can fix the problem using WP Adminify plugin. After WP Adminify installation, click on “WP Adminify option” in your Dashboard menu. 

Now navigate to tweaks > Head. Search for the Remove WooCommerce Generator Meta option. Then enable it and save the plugin setting. 

remove woocommerce generator meta
August 27, 2021
Head Tips and Tutorials
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