How to Remove Visual Composer Generator Meta in WordPress Head?

Removing Visual Composer Generator meta is easier than you think. If you have a little knowledge on Theme file structure, then you can solve this issue. 

But if you don’t have proper knowledge in theme structure or coding, then you can follow the second method. Which will help you to solve the problem without any code.

Nagivate to your function.php file, which located inside your active theme root directory. Open this file via any editor first. Then copy and paste the following code inside your function.php file. 

					// Remove wpbakery visual_composer meta generator tag
add_action('wp_head', '_remove_visual_composer_generator', 1);

If the first step seems a little bit complicated to you, then install WP Adminify plugin.

Now navigate to the WP Adminify tweaks option. Or WP Adminify> tweaks> Head option. Search for Remove Visual Composer Generator Meta option, and enable it.

remove visual composer generator meta data
August 27, 2021
Head Tips and Tutorials
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