How to Remove RSD Link From WordPress Header Source?

RSD stands for Real Simple Discovery. This mechanism used by XML-RPC clients. Also, this system loved by different spammers. If you don’t use this service, then it’s better to remove it. 

The RSD looks like the following code.

					<link rel="EditURI" type="application/rsd+xml" title="RSD" href=".../xmlrpc.php?rsd" />

Take a look at the following code. Copy and paste the following code inside your function.php file. You will get the function.php file inside your active theme directory.

					// Remove Really Simple Discovery Link
remove_action('wp_head', 'rsd_link');

Let’s check how to remove RSD link without coding but using WP Adminify plugin. After installation navigate to WP Adminify > Tweaks > Head option. Now search for Remove RSD Link (EditURI Link) and enable it.

remove RSD link from head source
August 28, 2021
Head Tips and Tutorials
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