How To Disable Self Ping For WordPress Website’s

Sometimes it’s necessary to get pingback from different site’s so that you can check who mentioned you. But imagine, you are linking an existing page to new page and the system is sending you pingback always. 

Manually delete pingback takes time. But there is a simple tweak, which will help you to disable WordPress self ping. If you are not expert in coding, then scroll down a little bit. You will get a method where I explained how to disable self ping for wordpress site’s using Adminify Plugin.

Disable WordPress Self Ping

Hover on the following snippet. Copy this code and navigate to your active Theme directory. Edit the function.php file. Paste the code and update your function.php file.

					/* Disable Self Pings */
add_action('pre_ping', 'jltwp_adminify_no_self_ping');
function jltwp_adminify_no_self_ping(&$links)
    $home = get_option('home');

    foreach ($links as $l => $link)

        if (0 === strpos($link, $home))



That’s all. Now let’s check how to disable self ping using Adminify plugin. 

Disable WordPress Self Ping by Adminify Plugin

If you have installed and activated WP Adminify properly, just click on the “WP Adminify” option. 

Navigate to WP Adminify Tweaks menu then click on “HTTP Response“. The first option is “Disable Self Ping“. Just enable it and update the setting. 

disable self ping in wordpress website
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