How to Disable Comments in WordPress using WP Adminify?

Comment spam is annoying, and it’s distracting for the other viewers on your site. The best way to stop this is to disable comments on your WordPress site. In this case, you can prevent spam comments by configuring the Akismet plugin and also make sure that only registered users can post on your website.

But what if you want to remove this full comment system from your website? Here WP Adminify introducing Disable comment module. You can select your desired post type, attachments to the disable comment option. Also, it comes with some other handy options that I will explain now.

Disable Comments in WordPress

Before jumping to the module’s options, you have to enable “Disable Comments” from WP Adminify modules settings. Then navigate to WP Adminify>Module Settings>Disable Comments. Here you will get the full interface and options to configure where you like to disable comments.

Disable Comments in WordPress

Disable Comments For Specific post type: This is the first option where you will see every post type available in your website. Just select those post types where you like to disable comments.

disable comments for selected post type

Remove comments for the Attachments page: You know that WordPress media automatically generate an attachments page for your media file. People can comment and spam inside your attachment page without your knowledge. So it’s better to remove the comment box from your attachment page. Just enable this option and you are done with the issue.

remove comments for attachments

Remove Comments menu from Dashboard: As you are removing comments from your website, it’s not necessary to keep the comments menu in your website dashboard. You can enable this option and get rid of this comment menu.

remove admin menu comments icon

Close Comments Front-end: Imagine you enabled disable comment for post after 14 (or any number) days. Then when this period will expire, it will show a “close comments” notice instead of a comment form. You can get rid of this notice by enabling this option. 

hide close comments notice in front end

Remove Comments Admin Bar: Take a look at the top bar. You will see a comment icon that redirects you to “edit comment’s” page. If you are disabling the entire comment system, then it’s just an unnecessary option. Enable “Remove comments admin bar” and it will be gone. 

Remove comments from admin bar

Replace Comment Links to JavaScript: Instead of the default link tag, it will set a span tag. That link will work via JavaScript and it will not count as a backlink. To prevent too much spam people love to use this feature.

replace comment links to JavaScript

Remove Dashboard Comments Widget: Inside your widgets, you will see a “Recent Comments” widget by default. Enabling this option will remove that “Recent comments” from your widget library.

Remove Dashboard Comments Widget

Remove Discussion Submenu from Settings: If you hover on your main settings menu inside your dashboard, you will see a submenu called “Discussion”. Inside this discussion menu, you can manage your comment system and choose gravatar. If you plan to no longer keep comment inside your website, then it’s better to get rid from this discussion menu too.

Remove Discussion Submenu under Settings

Hide Existing Comments: A running website can have a lot of comments in the past. But now you are deciding to hide all existing comments. Without deleting them manually, you can just enable this option by Disable comments module and all existing comments will be hidden.

Hide existing comments in WordPress

Remove Comment Form URL Field: When you keep URLs people love to do spam inside the comment section. If you like to keep the comment form but have the intention to remove the URL field only, then enable this option.

Remove URL Field from Comment Form

“Comments” Menu Redirect to Admin: Instead of hiding the comments menu from the WordPress dashboard, you can redirect it to your dashboard too. When necessary you can disable the redirect and use the comments menu too.

Comments menu redirect to main dashboard

Replace Author Links to JavaScript: It works in the same way as the “Replace Comment Links to JavaScript” option. This option will put span inside the author links. 

Replace Author Links to JavaScript

That’s it about WordPress disable comments module by WP Adminify plugin. You can get in touch with us, if you still have any questions. We will try our best to assist you as soon as possible.

August 15, 2021
Disable Comments
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