How to Disable Admin Notice In WordPress Dashboard

Have you ever encountered a case where a plugin updated you to premium for technical data, but would give you notices all the time? You could close them every now and again, but they kept coming back and interfered with the work you’re doing with WordPress?

It’s frustrating to see these notice messages when they don’t have a “close” button. It can be confusing, especially for those who don’t realize that you just need to scroll down.

WP Adminify introducing Disable Admin Notice module. First make sure you have enabled “Admin Notices” module from the WP Adminify modules page.

Then you have to navigate the following path to customize which notice you like to keep and which notice you like to remove.

You can check all notice inside your main Dashboard>Notice page.

WordPress Dashboard admin notice page

Disable WordPress Admin Notice Options

Let’s take a look at some detail options provided by Disable Admin Notice module by WP Adminify.

Select User role: This is the first option you will see when you visit Admin Notices configuration page. Now define your desired users role for which this admin notice will works. If you like to make it available for all users then select every user role. We’ve developed this option for better control.

Disable for specific user role

Hide all “Admin Notice”: If you like to hide each notice that popped inside your dashboard by any theme or plugins, then just enable it.

Hide all admin notice

Remove Welcome Panel: WordPress dashboard has a default welcome panel for the users. Many of us click on the cross (x) sign to remove it. But you can permanently remove it using this option.

Remove WordPress Dashboard Welcome Panel

Remove “PHP Update Required” Notice: It’s annoying to see the “PHP Update Required” notice inside your clean dashboard. We use some theme and plugin that Works perfectly on PHP 5.6 version. But WordPress will show you a update notice message. You can permanently remove PHP Update required notice now.

Remove PHP Update Required Notice in WordPress Dashboard

Remove “Try Gutenberg” Panel: Each WordPress user face this notice at least once in life. Notices can distract our minds while working. By clicking on the yes/no switcher, you can remove this notice from your website.

Remove Try Gutenberg Panel WordPress

Hide WordPress core Update Notice: Each time WordPress releases it’s stable update, you can see the Core Update notice in your dashboard. If you are satisfied with your present WordPress version and have no intention to update it recently, then you can disable hide WordPress code update notice.

Hide WordPress Code Update Notice

Hide Plugin Update Notice: Plugin update notice inside your installed plugins page can be annoying to some users. If you have no desire to update your plugin and don’t like to get update notice too, then just enable the option.

Hide WordPress Plugin Update Notice

Hide Theme update Notice: Same as the plugin update notice. Just enable the option and get rid of the Theme update notice permanently. When you like to update your theme, just disable the option and update it.

Hide WordPress Theme update Notice

That’s all about Admin notice module. If you face any problems while working with this module, please contact us. We will try our best to assist you.

March 2, 2023
Admin Notices
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