Module Settings

There is some module that needs extra API or settings configuration. We’ve 7 module that needs extra configuration to work properly. These modules are:  Folders Post type order Post status colors Quick menu Disable comments Google Pagespeed Duplicate Post You will get all the necessary settings that are required to work with.  Dashboard Folders Settings…

WordPress Widget Settings

There are two types of widgets available in WordPress. Dashboard widgets and Sidebar widgets. After login into your website Dashboard, you see a few necessary blocks like site health status, quick draft, etc. These are Dashboard Widgets. When you navigate to Appreacne>Widgets, you will see all sidebar widgets available there.  Dashboard Widgets: Removed unwanted dashboard…

Admin Bar

Before jumping into the documentation, i would like to share our “Admin Bar Editor” plugin with you. If you want to have a perfect Admin Toolbar Editor, then install this free plugin and start customizing your Admin Bar.  Before installing the plugin you can check out this WordPress toolbar editor post to learn more about…

Dashboard Menu Settings

WordPress Vertical Menu Style Vertical Menu Type: Our default WordPress dashboard menu is a vertical menu. We are giving you complete control over the design, style, and layout. Sub menu style: Define your desired menu style classic, accordion, or toggle. Active menu style: At present we’ve Classic and Rounded active menu style. Menu Mode: There…

Admin Footer

Using Admin footer option you can easily change the Dashboard Footer copyright text, show/hide Footer information, Block Footer for specific user roles.  Change the Footer copyright Text Just scroll down at the bottom of the Admin Footer Option, and you will see “Admin Footer Text” option. Inside the text editor, just write down your footer…

WordPress Dashboard Customization

Dashboard Customization is easier than you think. WP Adminify offers a rich admin panel where you can easily modify the Dashboard Body font, color, Background easily. Change Dashboard Body Font Navigate to WP Adminify option panel and then click on Customize. The first option is body font. Select your desired body font, font color, font…

How to Create a WordPress Child Theme For Customization

A child theme is a customized version of the parent theme with the same functionality, including styling. You can make changes to any element of your child theme without impacting its original parent. When you customize a WordPress theme for your business with a Child Theme, you only need to change the code in the…

WP Adminify Pro Installation and License Activation

As soon as you purchase WP Adminify plugin, you will get an email having your license key, username, password, and Pro version Download link. Just download the pro version of WP Adminify first. WP Adminify Pro Account Login If you have successfully purchased WP Adminify, you will receive an email for “WP Adminify license key…

WP Adminify Plugin Installation [Free Version]

Installing WP Adminify is the same as other plugins. As it’s available in the WordPress plugin repo, you can install it from your dashboard. Perhaps, if you have downloaded WP Adminify from WordPress plugin page. Then you have to upload it via CPanel or FTP. Both ways are very simple, let’s take an in-depth look….

Remove X-Powered-By from HTTP Headers

This response header contains information about PHP version on your server. This information is not used anywhere and it’s not necessary to run your website. So it’s better to remove X-Poweed-by from HTTP Headrs.  Here is a snippet for you, that will remove X-Powered-By from your HTTP headers. Just copy the following code and paste…

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