WordPress notification bar for announcement & Cookie Notice

Generally, WordPress Notification Bar helps you to showcase any announcement & Cookie notice. WP Adminify brought an awesome WordPress Notification customizer for free. 

What is WordPress Notification Bar?

A notification bar is kind of a banner that you can find either on the top of a website or the bottom. Such banners are used to declare any promotional offer.

As told before you can use a notification bar to declare any kind of offer, promotion, or discount. For the majority of the time, it is used to show cookie policies. it may also be used to check what’s new on the website and attract users. Sometimes a professional notification bar can increase your revenue or lead.

WordPress Notification bar by WP Adminify

Easily add a bottom or top bar notification message on your site with huge customization possibilities. With this Notification bar module by WP Adminify, you can enter the information to be shown as well as an optional button next to it. Your visitors are probably your business’ most valuable asset. That’s why it’s important to let them know about a discount, a new product that just came out, or anything else that might interest them.

To view the Notification bar, please follow the steps below:

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard
  • Navigate to WP Adminify>Notification Bar

General Settings for Notification Bar

This general settings is all about your notification bar position and alignment. By default the notification bar is disabled. Make sure to enable notification bar first, then you able to see content alignment, Display Position, Close Button, and Padding options.

Enable WordPress notification bar

Content Alignment: There are left, right, and center alignment value. Select which content alignment fits you most and update it. Most people prefer Center alignment because, visitors always focus on the center area.

WordPress notificaiton bar content align

Display Position: This option will help you to set your notification bar at top or bottom in your website.

Display position for wordpress notification bar

Close Button: You can enable or disable close button. If you like force preview your notification to your audience, then you can disable the close button. Also you can change the close button text too.

Notification bar close button

Expires in: Imagine you are promoting a product which in on sale now, but it will expired after 15 days. In that case, you can set Expired time. It will automatically hide your notification bar after a certain time.

WordPress notification bar expires

Padding: Padding sometimes plays a great role for interface and readability. You can use padding for your notification bar and make it awesome to read.

WP Notification bar padding

Content Section for Notification bar

There you can input content and enable button for your notification bar. Make sure to input your notification information properly for a better output.

Input Content: You have to write your notice content here. No matter what you need, just write everything here. You can use this field as cookie notice too. 

Content section for WordPress notification bar

Button Text & URL: By default the button is disabled, you have to enable the button to set your button URL and button Text. 

Button for WordPress notification bar

Typography for content: As a notification bar, sometimes we need to set fancy typography to attract visitors. You can select any type of font that will suits your website most.

Font settings for WordPress notification bar

Display Section for notification bar

It’s all about where you like to display your notification. No matter if your notification audience is for mobile or only for page or post visitors.

Select devices want to display: From the dropdown you have to select which device you like to show the notification. You can select Desktop, Tablet, Mobile from this option.

notification bar display device

Where to Display: You can check homepage, Posts, Pages in this option. If you don’t like to showcase the notification bar in homepage, then just check posts and page.

select where to display notification bar

Style option for Notification bar

It’s all about color. You can change BG color, text, button, etc. color from this option. Take a look at the following screenshot and check descriptions too.

wordpress notification bar style option

Background Color: Using the color picker you can select any color for your notification bar background. You can also use transparent color too.

Text color: It will help you to change your notification content text color. Just try to use a perfect color that will be readable with your background.

Close Button Background: By default people like to use (x) as a cross sign. But you can write (close) instead of (x). Using the “close button background” option, you can set a perfect BG color that will increase your close button visibility.

Close Button Text color: After selecting a proper background color, you should use a perfect text color for the close button too. The beauty depend on your color selection.

Button BG and Text color: There are two more color option named “Button BG color” and “Button color”. Set your brand color or any other color wisely for better output.

That’s all about WordPress notification bar customization for WP Adminify plugin. If you still face any problem, feel free to contact us and explain your problem. We will try our best to assist you. 

September 3, 2023
Notification Bar
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