WordPress Custom Dashboard Widget & Welcome Panel Customization

Custom Dashboard Widget provides you an extensive feature of adding widgets. WordPress has some default Dashboard Widget like WelcomeActivity, WordPress Event & News. Let’s see how you can add a different type of dashboard widget in a minute. Check more WordPress Dashboard Customization tips for a better Admin UI. 

You can access to dashboard widget area by navigating to the following path: 

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard
  2. Navigate to WP Adminify>Dashboard Widget

Create a Custom Dashboard Widget

Widgets are an essential aspect of your dashboard as they present a single-screen summary of the data related to a specific KPI. First, define the Widget title and select the position. Then select your desired content type.

For example – if you like to showcase a contact form in your dashboard, then select “Shortcode” type and paste contact form shortcode.

First, click on “Add New Widget” and you will see some new options to configure your new widget.

Widget Title: Input your widget title here. This title will be shown as a widget title in your main dashboard.

Website Dashboard Widget Title

Widget Position: After the title, it’s time to choose the position of your widget. There are side widgets and normal widgets.

Website Dashboard Widget Position

Content-Type: WP Adminify allows you to add 5 types of content inside your Dashboard Widget. The types are Editor, Icon, Video, Shortcode, RSS Feed. We think these 5 content types are enough to cover maximum widget layout.

Website Dashboard Widget content type

Content: This option dynamically changes its layout depending on your content type selection. If you select Editor as a content type, then you will be able to see the text editor panel. Perhaps, if you choose the shortcode content type, it will enable a shortcode input field.

Website Dashboard Widget content

Allowed User role: That’s one of the most important parts of the widget. It’s always better to show different widgets to the different user roles. After adding content to your Widget you will notice the Allowed User Roles option. Just click on this option and select your desired user role from the dropdown. You can select multiple user roles for a single widget too. After the configuration just add the widget and save changes. 

Disable for specific user role

Customize dashboard welcome message

Besides dashboard widgets, you will notice the “Welcome Widget” tab. You can welcome your users by writing something welcoming, or maybe you can put a notice inside the welcome widget too.

Welcome Widget customization

Enable Custom Welcome Panel: By default it’s disabled. You have to enable it first, then there will be some option appear for welcome widget customization.

Select Page/Template: There is no content type or content options like a general widget. You have to write content on your desired page. Then you have to select that page here. If you are Elementor page builder user, then you can select a saved section as a welcome widget.

Select Page: If you select page then here you will see dropdown having your all pages, just select the page where you’ve arranged welcome content. Perhaps, if you select Template, then you will see all elementor saved sections in the dropdown list.

Dismissible: There is a switcher for Dismissible welcome message widget. If you like to keep the welcome widget always, then make sure to turn off dismissible switcher.

Allowed User Roles: Like general widgets user role, you can define welcome widget user role too. Showcase your welcome message or notice to your specific login user.

That’s all about creating a custom WordPress dashboard widget. If you still face any problems while working with WP Adminify Dashboard widget, feel free to get in touch with us.

October 30, 2022
Dashboard Widget
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