Version Rollback

Rolling back to a previous version is a procedure that can be used if you want to move back to your previous version. Sometimes maybe you face a problem with the latest WP Adminify version. You can notify us about your issues with the latest update, but it maybe will take a few days to fix the issue. In that case, you can easily roll back to the previous WP Adminify version.

Rollback in WP Adminify is super easy. Just log in to your website Dashboard. Hover on the WP Adminify menu, then you will see the “Rollback Versions” option. Click on it and it will redirect you to the options panel for version rollback. 

Just take a look at the following screenshot. Your “Version Rollback” page will look the same. 

WP Adminify version rollback

Select Version to Rollback

Underneath “Rollback Version” text you will see a dropdown version items list. Just select that version that was perfect in your website and click on “Reinstall vx.x.x” button. 

Select Rollback version and reinstall

Wait a few seconds and the selected version will be installed and activated inside your website.

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