Roles Redirect

The “Roles Redirect” feature in WP Adminify empowers you to seamlessly redirect users to specific URLs upon login and logout based on their user role, username, or user capability. This feature enhances user experience and provides administrators with the flexibility to tailor redirections for different user segments.

Table of Contents
    Add a header to begin generating the table of contents

    Enabling the Redirect URLs Module

    1. Navigate to WP Adminify’s Modules Manager.
    2. Enable the “Redirect URLs” module.
    3. Reload the page and proceed to the Redirect URLs module options panel.
    redirect user based on user role

    Configuring Roles Redirect

    Accessing Roles Redirect Settings

    Within the Redirect URLs module options, locate and click on the “Roles Redirect” option.

    Setting Login Redirects

    Click on the “Add new login redirect” button.

    Choose the user type based on which you want to configure the redirect:

    • User Role
    • User Name
    • User Capability

    Select the specific role, user, or capability based on your previous selection.

    Input the desired “Redirect URL” where users will be directed after login.

    Save the settings.

    Setting Logout Redirects

    Similarly, you can configure logout redirects by clicking on the “Add new logout redirect” button.

    Choose the user type for logout redirection:

    • User Role
    • User Name
    • User Capability

    Select the relevant role, user, or capability.

    Provide the “Redirect URL” for users upon logout.

    Save the settings.

    Redirect logged out user to custom URL

    Example Usage

    Redirecting Based on User Role

    Redirect all users with the “Editor” role to a custom Dashboard Page. You can design a Custom Dashboard page using our Admin Page Module. Make sure to check this module and you can design a Admin Page using your favourite Page builder 

    • Choose “User Role” as the user type.
    • Select “Editor” from the role dropdown.
    • Enter the custom dashboard URL as the “Redirect URL.”
    • Save the settings.

    Redirecting Based on User Name

    Redirect a specific user named “VIPUser” to an exclusive offers page.

    • Choose “User Name” as the user type.
    • Select “VIPUser” from the user dropdown.
    • Set the exclusive offers page URL as the “Redirect URL.”
    • Save the settings.

    Redirecting Based on User Capability

    Redirect users with the “manage_options” capability to an advanced settings page.

    • Choose “User Capability” as the user type.
    • Select “manage_options” from the capability dropdown.
    • Specify the advanced settings page URL as the “Redirect URL.”
    • Save the settings.

    The “Roles Redirect” feature in WP Adminify enhances user engagement by allowing you to customize the login and logout experience based on user roles, usernames, or capabilities.

    This documentation guides you through the simple steps to configure login and logout redirects, ensuring a seamless and personalized user journey on your WordPress Dashboard.

    December 7, 2023
    Redirect URLs
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