Post Type Order Module For WordPress Dashboard

Post type order by WP Adminify is a powerful module that will help you to order your post type, media, taxonomy. There is no loading or save system. Whatever you do will save instantly.

What's the usage of Post type orders?

Imagine you have more than 15 pages inside your WordPress website. Some pages are rich with content like homepage, some are necessary page like privacy policy, and shop page. Now you want to keep your rich content page at first. With the help of post type order module, you can do this job easily.

Enable post type order

Inside the WP Adminify modules page, you will see the “Post Types Order” module. Just enable it and then navigate to Module Settings>Post types order. Here you have to configure where you like to enable post-type orders individually.

Disable for specific user role: If you like to disable this post type order system for some user role, then just select the roles and save the settings.

Disable for specific user role

Sortable Post Types: Your all existing post types will be available here. Just select only those post type where you like to enable this module.

Sortable Post Types

Sortable Taxonomies: There are a huge number of WordPress users who loves to work with Taxonomies like Category and tags. You can select your desired taxonomies where this module should be enabled.

Sortable Taxonomies

Media sortable: Not all people like to sort their media. But there are some audience like photography site owner, who loves to play with the media library. For those specific audiences, we have developed media sortable system too.

media sortable

How does this post type order work?

After configuration just navigates to your page or post where you have applied the order system. Now drag and drop your desired page at top or bottom anywhere you want. Take a look at the following gif file and you will get a clear idea.

Post type order by WP Adminify

That’s all about Post type order by WP Adminify. If you still have any questions regarding on this module, feel free to get in touch with us.

September 17, 2023
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