Post Status Background Color

Normally it’s hard to define which posts or pages are published, drafts, scheduled or trashed. You have to click on the published, draft, or other options to check. It would be great if you can define post status from their different background color. Interesting!! right?  You can easily set a different colors for different post statuses by using the WP Adminify plugin. 

Post Status Background Colors

There is a total of 6 different post statuses BG color configuration configured in WP Adminify. These are Publish, Pending, Future, Private, Draft, Trash. Navigate to the WP Adminify options panel. Go to module settings> Post Status colors.

Now select your desired colors properly here and save the settings. 

Extra options for Custom Columns

There are a total of 4 different custom admin column fields available. You can show or hide thumbnails, post/page id, taxonomy id, comment id. 

Custom thumb admin column and post id column

If you face any issues regarding on the post status colors, feel free to create a support topic

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