How To Remove Meta Generator WordPress Version Tags?

Sometimes <meta name=”generator” content=”WordPress x.x.x” /> can put in a security risk because anyone can check which WordPress version you are using from the page source. It’s better to remove the meta generator tags and version from the head area. There is no doubt that WordPress is one of the secure CMS. Tons of new…

WordPress Custom Dashboard Widget & Welcome Panel Customization

Custom Dashboard Widget provides you an extensive feature of adding widgets. WordPress has some default Dashboard Widget like Welcome, Activity, WordPress Event & News. Let’s see how you can add a different type of dashboard widget in a minute. Check more WordPress Dashboard Customization tips for a better Admin UI. You can access to dashboard widget area by…

How to add custom CSS or JS in Full Site or specific page?

How to add custom CSS or JS? Holding readers to your site depends a lot on the appearance of your website. But regularly modifying your theme or plugin could be of hazard. That is why we bring you a custom CSS for JS option. With this option, you don’t truly need to change or alter…