How To Remove WordPress RSS Feed URL’s from Page Header?

RSS Feed showcase a website updated content automatically. At the beginning of internet journey people used to bookmark their favorite website. They frequently visit those site’s to check if there is any update. 

In this modern area people use RSS Feed to get any website update. We use different type of browser extensions to read content from a website Feed.

But the important thing is, many website owner don’t want to keep RSS Feed URL in their page source header area. Keeping header area clean sometimes our first priority and RSS Feed URL’s in header seems like junk to some people.  There are some user who likes to disable feeds, then check this Totally disable WordPress Feeds post. 

These Feed URL looks something like the following code’s on page source.

					<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Adminify &raquo; Feed" href="http://adminify.local/feed/" />
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Adminify &raquo; Comments Feed" href="http://adminify.local/comments/feed/" />

I will show you two different way for removing WordPress RSS Feed URL’s from page header area. First I will explain how you can do it using some code and later will explain how to do it without coding.

Remove WordPress RSS Feed URL's in Header by Code

There are different type’s of feed available in WordPress like Post, Comment, Category. If you like the remove all of these feed from your header area, just copy the following code and paste it inside active theme’s function.php file.

[Recommend : You should use Child Theme or follow the next step, otherwise your code will be removed on theme update]

					// Remove Feeds
remove_action('wp_head', 'feed_links_extra', 3); // Remove Every Extra Links to Rss Feeds.
remove_action('wp_head', 'feed_links', 2);
remove_action('wp_head', 'wc_products_rss_feed');

Remove WordPress RSS Feed URL's in Header by Adminify

Install the Adminify plugin first, click on the WP Adminify option. Navigate to Tweaks > Feed.  Here you will see an option named “Remove Feed Links“.

Enabling this will remove your Feed urls from the header area. But the functionality will remain the same. Anyone can visit the Feed URL if they knew it already. 

Remove Feed Links from WordPress header area
August 27, 2021
Feed Tips and Tutorials
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