How to Enable Thumbnails on RSS Feed

Default RSS Feed doesn’t have the power to include thumbnails. You have to enable thumbnails manually for RSS Feed. Here I’m going to show you 2 different ways for Thumbnails on RSS Feed configuration. 

If you have proper knowledge of function.php file, then the first method is for you. If you don’t like to work via coding, then follow the second method. 

Navigate to your active theme directory via FTP. Search for function.php file and open it via any text or code editor. Now copy the following code and paste it inside your function.php file.

					/* Add Featured Image or Post Thumbnail to RSS Feed */
add_filter('the_excerpt_rss', 'jltwp_adminify_rss_post_thumbnail');
add_filter('the_content_feed', 'jltwp_adminify_rss_post_thumbnail');

/* Add Featured Image or Post Thumbnail to RSS Feed */
function jltwp_adminify_rss_post_thumbnail($content)
    global $post;
    if (has_post_thumbnail($post->ID)) {
        $content = '<p>' . get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID) .
            '</p>' . get_the_content();
    return $content;

That’s all about the first method. Now it’s time to show you, how to enable thumbnails on RSS Feed from your dashboard.

RSS Feed Thumb Using WP Adminify

Install WP Adminify plugin. Click on the WP Adminify option inside your dashboard menu.

Navigate to Tweaks > Attachment

Take a look at the first option called “Thumbnails on RSS Feed“. Just enable it and save your settings.

Show Thumbnails on RSS Feed

That’s all, it will enable your thumbnails inside your RSS Feed.

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