How to Change Logo in WordPress Login Page?

Customizing the logo on your login page is not a hassle anymore. With WP Adminify, you will be able to change or place your logo with more control. To make a logo more noticeable on your login page, you may utilize WP Adminify’s custom login page. This module provides access to the customization settings login page, including a plethora of options such as logo type, height, width, padding, and link.

Now, simply follow all these instructions to submit your logo:

  • Log in to the WordPress administration panel.
  • Go to WP Adminify and navigate to Login Customizer. Then go to Logo.
  • Now toggle the option “Display Logo?” switcher on or, off.
  • Choose a logo type and type or upload the desired logo.
  • Additionally, you may quickly modify the URL for your logo on the login page.
Login Page Logo customizer

The first thing you’ll see after you’ve clicked the logo is the “Logo Type & Link” option. You must first choose a logo type and then submit your logo. Additionally, this is a URL option. By creating a URL, you may direct visitors to your chosen page.

December 18, 2021
Login Customizer
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