Google Pagespeed Insights In WordPress Dashboard and Browse History

Google PageSpeed Insights is a tool that helps website owners and digital marketers determine how to make their website faster. This is an important metric for SEO because it helps Google rank pages higher in the SERPs.

Google Pagespeed insights provides recommendations in four categories, listed below, to help improve the loading time of a web page:

Google Pagespeed Insights by WP Adminify

Have you ever wondered if you can track your webpages page speed inside the WordPress dashboard? WP Adminify brought Google Pagespeed Insights module, which will help you to check page speed and its history.

At present, we used to take a screenshot of page speed insights. After completing a performance task, we compare the preset result with the previous result (screenshot). WP Adminify will store your previous history so that you can easily compare your result.

How to Use Google Pagespeed Insights?

First thing first, you must set your Google API key if you like to work with Google Pagespeed insights module by WP Adminify. Navigate to WP Adminify Settings and then click on Module Settings option. You will see “Google Pagespeed” option, click on it and input your Google API key. Also you can disable it for specific user roles too.

Google Pagespeed API Key

After login into your WordPress dashboard, you will notice the “WP Adminify” menu. Hover on it and click on the “Speed Insights” option. There are two options “Analyze” & “History“.

You can easily access to Google Pagespeed insights option by following the navigation below. 

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard
  2. Navigate to WP Adminify>Speed insights

Analyze: This option is made for analyzing any page speed data. By default, you will notice the analyze option. Also there is a button in top right corner called “New Analyze”. You can click on it to insert your page URL.

analyze and history button

Enter a web page URL: Not only your website page, but also you are free to insert any URL around the web. If there is a website that has both HTTP and HTTPS, then make sure to use this Protocol properly to get the exact result.

enter webpage url for pagespeed

History: That’s the most important part. While fixing speed issue, we need to store previous data in a screenshot or document. While using WP Adminify speed insights, you don’t need to store the screenshot on your laptop. You can visit this history tab anytime and can access to the previous data. When you finished your speed optimization, you can delete the previous history too.

Google Pagespeed history check

That’s all about Google Pagespeed module by WP Adminify. I hope you got a clear idea on this module. If you still have any questions or suggestions, then contact us

September 3, 2023
Pagespeed Insights
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