Floating Dashboard Quick Menu For WordPress

Quick menu is a free feature of WP Adminify. It can enhance the user experience in many ways. Imagine you use slider revolution and you need to change the slider content frequently. In that case, you need to visit slider revolution control panel, choose slider, then edit it. But while using the quick menu, you can directly insert the slider editor URL here. Later you can access the slider editor panel with one click.

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard
  2. Navigate to WP Adminify>Module Settings>Quick Menu

Disable Quick menu for specific user role: This is the first option you will see after navigating to the “Quick Menu” option. You can add some links for admin maintenance purposes and prevent author or editor from accessing this floating dashboard quick menu.

Disable for specific user role

Add/Remove Quick Menu: You will see some default quick menu items there. You can remove these items or duplicate them. Underneath menu items, there is a button for “Add New Quick Menu”. Make a click on it and you will see a bunch of new options for adding a new item.

Add and Remove Floating Dashboard menu

Menu Title: When you hover on a quick menu item, it shows a tooltip text. That’s the title. Make sure to put something relevant to your needs so that you can understand it better.

menu title for quick menu

Menu link: You can input any URL here, also choose “open link in a new tab” if you don’t like to open a link in the same tab.

link for quick menu

Menu icon: Quick menu is all about icons. We’ve integrated huge icons here, choose relevant icons based on your URL. It will help others to realize the purpose of your menu.

icon for quick menu

After configuring your quick menu items you have to click on the “Save” button. That’s how the floating dashboard quick menu works. If you still think there is any confusion for you, then contact us and we will assist you. 

June 29, 2023
Quick Menu
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