Dashboard Menu Settings

WordPress Vertical Menu Style

Vertical Menu Type: Our default WordPress dashboard menu is a vertical menu. We are giving you complete control over the design, style, and layout.

vertical menu type

Sub menu style: Define your desired menu style classic, accordion, or toggle.

Sub menu Style

Active menu style: At present we’ve Classic and Rounded active menu style.

Active menu style

Menu Mode: There are 3 menu modes classic, Mini icon, and Rounded. Select the perfect one depending on your criteria.

Dashboard Menu mode

User Info: User info is available for Vertical menu. Make sure you’ve selected “Classic” as menu mode. Otherwise you can’t enjoy the user info feature. Inside user info, you can define the content type, and avatar type.

Dashboard User Info option

Horizontal Dashboard Menu Setup

Horizontal Menu: WP Adminify introduces you to Horizontal Dashboard Menu. You can get the front-end vibe inside your main Dashboard panel. If you select the horizontal menu then you will get different options like to configure it. You can select “Icon only”, “Text only”, and “Both” for menu type.

Horizontal menu type

Show Blog Link: You can show or hide your main website homepage URL as a menu item in your dashboard menu at the first position.

Show Blog Link

Dropdown Toggle Icon: You can enable or disable the dropdown indicator for Dashboard menu items.

Dropdown Toggle Icon
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