How to Customize WordPress Login form Label and Placeholder Text?

You can easily customize your login form elements like Label texts, Placeholder texts, margin padding, and Style using the WP Adminify Custom login page module. The feature will help you make the login form look and feel more realistic. It will let you put anything beyond the default placeholder and Label text.

You can easily access all the from fields elements and customize them by following these steps:

First, Log in to the WordPress Dashboard.

Then go to the Form fields located under the Login Customizer options in the WP Adminify.

Login Page Label Customization: The label page normally has some default labels such as “Password,” “Username,” “Login,” “Remember Me,” and so on. To get rid of all these default labels, you will have the option to put your customized texts here.

WordPress Login Page Label Change

Placeholder Customization: Just like the label tab, you will see a placeholder tab. This tab will give access to customize placeholder texts like Username, Password, etc.

WordPress Login Page Placeholder Change

Style Customization: Using the range control option, you can modify the text sizes, field heights, and field font sizes. Additionally, there you will find color choices for the field backdrop, label, and input. At last, you may specify specific borders and border-radii.

WordPress login page style customization

From the advance tab, you can define margin, padding, box-shadow for your desired form field. 

November 23, 2022
Login Customizer
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