WordPress Dashboard Customization

Dashboard Customization is easier than you think. WP Adminify offers a rich admin panel where you can easily modify the Dashboard Body font, color, Background easily.

Change Dashboard Body Font

Navigate to WP Adminify option panel and then click on Customize. The first option is body font. Select your desired body font, font color, font weight, font size and save your setting. 

Dashboard Body Font

Body Color Customization

The default Background type is color. You can define any background color by using our color picker. 

Dashboard Background Color

Gradient Color For Body

Just select on the Gradient option besides color. You will get two color pickers and direction. 

Dashboard Background Gradient

Image Background For Dashboard

You can upload your desired image as Background for your Dashboard. This will apply to your entire Dashboard Body.

Dashboard Background Image

Dashboard Background Slideshow

Instead of a single image, you can upload multiple image as slideshow for your Dashboard Background. Just click on add slide and select as much photo as you need for your slideshow. 

Dashboard Background Slideshow

Dashboard Background Video

You can use self-hosted and YouTube videos for a video background. Just upload or paste your YouTube video URL, then define if you like to enable loop and set poster image. 

Dashboard Background Video
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