Roles Redirect

The “Roles Redirect” feature in WP Adminify empowers you to seamlessly redirect users to specific URLs upon login and logout based on their user role, username, or user capability. This feature enhances user experience and provides administrators with the flexibility to tailor redirections for different user segments. Table of Contents Add a header to begin…

Video Tutorials

WP Adminify Modules 18 Videos Login Customizer 0:16 Admin Notices 0:16 Menu Editor 0:16 Folders 0:16 Admin Pages 0:16 Admin columns 0:16 Header & Footer Scripts Google Pagespeed Insights 0:16 Post Types Order 0:16 Activity Logs 0:16 Dashboard Widgets 0:16 Disable Comments 0:16 Quick Menu 0:16 Menu Duplicator 0:16 Post Duplicator 0:16 Server Information 0:16…

WordPress White Label

WordPress White Label feature by WP Adminify lets you change the default WordPress branding with your own logo and text. You could add your own custom logo, custom login, customized dashboard with personalized widgets, and many more features. When you install and active WP Adminify plugin, you will get a clean Dashboard UI. You will…

WP Adminify V.4.0 is almost here. Fancy a Sneak Peek?