Custom CSS / JS For WordPress Site

This simple Header Footer Scripts Module let you insert any type of Style (CSS Code) or Script (JS Code) to your site header, footer, before content, after content area. 

Custom CSS and JS For WordPress

Custom CSS & JS in WordPress

This module by WP Adminify helps you customize your WordPress site, using CSS styles and JavaScript code. One of the main benefits is that it allows you to override the default styles provided by your theme.

Display on a specific page or post type

You can select full site, Specific page, Post, Post type, Category, Tag archive for your CSS or JS code. It’s a better solution when you like to design a specific page.

Display CSS and JS in specific posts
Define your Style & Script location

Define your Style & Script location

Some JS code needs to place footer to keep your website speed fast. You can select Header, Before Content, After Content, and Footer as your style & script location.

Device selection for your Style and Script

You maybe like to enable CSS or JS in a specific device like only desktop. You don’t need to use CSS breakpoints to design a device-based style. Just select your device and save your code.

Display CSS and JS in specific device
Adminify comes with dozens of features

Exclusive Custom CSS / JS Key Features
